12 JANUARY 1878

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Lord Beaconsfield has lighted another coloured fire to illumine India.

The Spectator

The Gazette of Friday week contains a decree creating another Order, this time of women only. It is called the "Im- perial Order of the Crown of India,"—by the way, is that...

The Prince of Piedmont has been proclaimed King (January 10)

The Spectator

as Humbert IV., an assumption characteristic of the dynasty, Which never forgets that though Italy is new, the House of Savoy is old, and he has issued a proclamation to the...

The Turks have resolved to seek an armistice. Their friends

The Spectator

say they have acted on British advice, but as they never take British advice except when they please, that must be regarded merely as one more effort to claim them as British...

The Turkish Chamber has passed a vote condemning the whole

The Spectator

management of the war by 54 votes to 30. The most severe comments were passed upon Mahmoud Damad and Edhem Pasha (the Grand Vizier), and the resignation of both was de- manded....

IV The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator


The " feeling " of Constantinople is not known since

The Spectator

the last disaster to the Turkish arms. Generals Mirsky and Skobeleff, after desperate exertions, succeeded in cross- ing the Balkans by the Trojan Pass to Kezanlik, and sur-...


The Spectator

V ICTOR EMANUEL, first King of Italy, died in Rome, at 2.30 on the 9th inst., from a brief but severe attack of fever, caught at his hunting palace of San Rossore, and...

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Sir William Harcourt at Oxford, on Wednesday, was neither quite

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so strong nor quite so much in earnest as Mr. Forster, and his position on both the Dardanelles question and the Constanti- nople question was a little ambiguous, except that on...

Sir Wilfrid Lawson made a very amusing speech at Carlisle

The Spectator

on Tuesday in relation to the Government and the war. "In the Session before the last we had turned the Queen into an Empress, and Mr. Disraeli came down to the House of Commons...

A great number of influential Liberals have spoken during the

The Spectator

week, and no one can say that their voice has not been com- pletely and cordially unanimous against any breach whatever of English neutrality, immediate or probable. Sir Henry...

The pro-Turkish party actually succeeded on Thursday in getting together

The Spectator

a respectable meeting at St. James's Hall, to hear Mr. Algernon Borthwick discourse on the sins of Russia and the political virtues of the Turks ; and they succeeded, too, in...

Mr. Forster spoke at Bradford on the following day, and

The Spectator

advocated a policy even more precise and vigorous than Sir Henry James. He held that there was no danger of Russia's taking Constantinople, but if any such danger there was, it...

Lord Lawrence has addressed a long and valuable letter to

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the Times, protesting against the recent change of policy upon the Indian North-west Frontier. He disapproves the occupation of Quettah, twenty-five miles beyond the Bolan Pass,...

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The march of General Gourko over the Etropol Balkans to

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Sofia appears to have been a really marvellous feat. He abandoned the main road, and took a mountain-path from Orkhanie to the westward of Kaba Konak, and thence to Taschkesen....

The Municipal elections in France turned out so favourably for

The Spectator

the Republicans, as to make it evident that with every fresh straggle the resolve of France to lid herself finally of the re- actionary party of the last few months is deep and...

The Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, in an address to

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the .clergy - and laity of his diocese on the work of 1877, dwells on the dangers of Sacerdotalism, and the risk which its increase may -cause of alienating the State from a...

General Ducrot, whose known propensity for making coups critat and

The Spectator

military dictatorships has caused almost all the excitement in France in relation to the Limoges incident, has been superseded by the Marshal, and his place supplied, at the...

Consols were on Friday 95f to 95i.

The Spectator

The Observer announces, and the Times seems to believe, that

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the French Government has inquired whether the British Cabinet intends to take any steps for the occupation of Egypt, and has received assurances that no such step is in...

The Chamber of Deputies met again on Tuesday, and M.

The Spectator

Paul Cassagnac made a disturbance, as usual, starting up during the -address of the ad interim President, who had referred to the cruel law of public safety" established under...

A discussion has been going on in the papers as

The Spectator

to what a billion means, and Mr. Henry Bessemer writes a letter to the Times, suggesting ways in which people may realise how immense the number is. He tells them that a billion...

The letter which we print elsewhere from "A London Gradu-

The Spectator

ate" puts the main point at issue between those of the London University graduates who are in favour of granting degrees - to women, but who are not yet agreed on the time and...

The English Church has lost one of its most original

The Spectator

thinkers ty the death of Canon Mosley, the Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford. His Bampton Lectures on Miracles, and still more the very striking volume of University...

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The Spectator

THE DEATH OF VICTOR EMANUEL. T HE Pope has enjoyed, in his own view at least, an hour of supreme triumph, and it has been a Christian one. He has forgiven, with all the...

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The Spectator

F RANCE has lost in M. Respell a good man, but a politician belonging to a class which even in France we are glad to believe is slowly disappearing. From 1815 down to a very...


The Spectator

I T is quite clear that Turkey is seeking peace, and that is all that is clear. The British Government, after many discussions, and probably many telegrams to St. Petersburg and...

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hinted in very intelligible terms last Saturday, is much given to the policy of Disestablishment, and has set its heart on leading the party which calls itself the party of...

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N O one can justly say that the Liberal Leaders have net adequately responded to our appeal of last week to declare themselves distinctly as to the policy of resisting the...

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LORD BEACONSFIELD IN INDIA. T HE creation of a new Imperial

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Order of the Crown of India restricted to women might be passed over as a rather foolish " fad " with which it pleases a popular Sovereign to amuse herself, just as one passes...

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The Spectator

I N speaking the other day at Taunton, Sir Henry James touched with force and dignity on the sufferings which a war would cause. "I know," he said, "that there are men listening...

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BARON MUNCLIAUSEN'S FROZEN WORDS. T HE Telephone is the wonder of

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the day, but among the inventions to which the investigation of this subject has given rise is one of a kind which to us—accustomed as we now are to the electric...

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The Spectator

(FITE Telegraph, and the Pall Mall Gazette, and the Morning Post, and the other newspapers of that group, know their business exceedingly well on one point. They know that one...

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The Spectator

THE POLITICAL SITUATION. [TO TEl EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR.) Sin,—Under ordinary circumstances, Lord Carnarvon's speech ought to satisfy the country and calm all agitation. But...

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The Spectator

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTAT0R:1 SIR,-It appears to me that if any members of our Convocation who are favourable to the admission of women to London degrees vote against the...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR:] 1827 a Company was formed for embanking the River Thames, and conveying the sewage of London, by means of a tunnel under the embankment, down...

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The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:"] have read with deep regret your article on the new diffi- culty in South Africa. You write of Ketahwayo as if he were a mere savage, whose...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE uSPECTATOR.1 SIR,—My experience as a magistrate, and my reading of police reports, convince me that Miss Cobbe is right in asserting that men have no such...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Stu,—Will you allow me, in reference to your interesting article on "Children's Toys," to suggest a very simple means for the amusement of...


The Spectator

SIR,—Everyone interested in the general, and more especially in the medical, education of women must thank you heartily for your admirable article of last week, and for no part...

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The Spectator

[To TRH EDITOR OF TEM EPROTATOR."] SIR,—I have read with interest and admiration, but also with surprise, the appreciative review of Mr. Kenelm Digby's "Broad Stone of Honour,"...


The Spectator

THE GROSVENOR GALLERY. [SECOND NOTICE.] IN our first notice of this Gallery we did not mention any of the works of the very early water-colour painters, nor those of Turner, but...

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The Spectator

SIR HENRY TAYLOR'S WORKS.* A COMPLETE edition of Sir Henry Taylor's works, and one in a form worthy of them, has long been a desideratum. It is now about to be supplied. The...

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The Spectator

reperusal of these volumes, we have come to the conclusion that the most profitable way of reading them is to begin at the end. The second volume closes with the first...

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The Spectator

[FIRST NOTICE.] SIR THOMAS MAY has given his work a title which, though well- sounding, is scarcely well-suited. He. calls it Democracy in Europe: a History. But he would have...

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The Spectator

WHATEVER else may be said of this able journal, no one who has read it carefully from its commencement will doubt that it is written by very able men, and by men of much...

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The Spectator

Illustrious Irishwomen. By E. Owens Blackburne. 2 vols. (Tinsley Brothers.)—" Illustrious" is too splendid an epithet to be applied to the greater part of the ladies who are...

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The Note - Book of Sir John Northcote. Translated and Edited, with

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Memoir, by A. H. A. Hamilton. (Murray.)—Sir John Northcote played no inconsiderable part in the civil war between Charles and his Parliament. He was a moderate Parliamentarian,...

ScnooL-Boolte.—A Primer of Greek Accidence. By Evelyn Abbott, M.A., and

The Spectator

E. D. Mansfield, B.A. (Rivingtons.) Dr. Percival, of Clifton College, recommends this volume, in a preface which states forcibly its distinguishing merits. It is calculated to...

The Doctrine of Retribution Philosophically Considered (the Bampton Lectures for

The Spectator

1875). By William Jackson. Second Edition. (Hodder -and Stoughton.)—Mr. Jackson, besides revising the text of his vete, able lectures, has prefixed a preface, the object of...

American Addresses. By Thomas H. Huxley. (Macmillan and Co.) —The

The Spectator

three lectures on evolution which form the principal part of this work are distinguished by the moderate and truly philosophical tone which pervades them. There is no...

7'he Village Comedy. By Mortimer and Frances Collins. 3 vole.

The Spectator

(Hurst and Blackett.)—We are sorry to say, that reading this novel with the most favourable disposition and the best desire to be pleased, we found it decidedly dull, and this...

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The British Almanac and Companion for 1878 (the Stationers' Company)

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supplies, as usual, besides the information which we expect in an almanac, under the head of a "Companion to the Almanac" an interesting series of essays on subjects of the...

We have more than once had the pleasure of calling

The Spectator

attention to a very valuable work, The Year-Book of Facts in Science and the Arts, by James Mason. (Ward and Lock.) It will not be necessary to do more than mention that the...