12 JANUARY 1867

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Congress passed a law last session providing, as it is

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empowered to do by the Constitution, for the case of a vacancy in the Presi- dency. By this law it appears that on the death or removal of a President who was originally elected...

Mr. Ravenshaw, Commissioner of Orissa, has, it is said, sent

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home a report on the famine, which will, we trust, be published, which admits the deaths of 600,000 before July last, and states that in many places three-fourths of the...

The Standard, of Thursday, in defending Mr. Garth for the

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second time, published a much grosser libel on Mr. Bright than Mr. Garth himself. It said that Mr. Bright " deliberately suggests to the Fenians that all Irish landlords ought...

A long correspondence was published on Tuesday between Mr. Bright

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and Mr. Garth, Tory member for Guildford. Mr. Garth, A long correspondence was published on Tuesday between Mr. Bright and Mr. Garth, Tory member for Guildford. Mr. Garth, 46...

On Wednesday, the Evicted Tenants' Association waited upon Lord Derby

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to represent their case, which is briefly this. Fifty thousand poor persons have been evicted in London within four years, evictions are still going on, and the overcrowding is...


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T HE first step has been taken by the House of Representatives at Washington towards the impeachment of the President, namely, to instruct a Committee to inquire into the...

The Pall Mall Gazette of yesterday states what it believes

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will be the articles of impeachment against Mr. Johnson, which it de- rives, it says, from a trustworthy source. They are (1), violation of the Constitution which he had sworn...

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Mr. Dickens is doing good service to book-buyers by pressing

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the publishers to issue their books cut. They, of course, are unwilling, alleging that the majority of purchasers like to cut their own books, an excuse we do not believe....

The latest accounts from Mexico report that the Clerical party,

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alarmed at the danger of massacre, have entreated Maximilian to remain, and promised him 5,000,000/. sterling. He has, there- fore, returned to his capital, but it appears, from...

The New York correspondent of the Daily News, perhaps the

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best observer of American politics whose criticisms are published in England, expresses his belief, in a very interesting letter published this day week, that the woman suffrage...

The address for signing which Marshal Narvaez arrested S. Rios

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Roses and deported his colleagues has reached England. It is most respectfully worded, and the pith of it is contained in the following sentence :—" The power which the Cortes...

The Prussian Parliament is likely, it is said, to come

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to logger- heads with the German Parliament. It appears that all powers bestowed upon the latter are to be withdrawn from the former, but under novel restrictions. For example,...

The Metropolitan Municipal Association waited on the Home Secretary on

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Tuesday, to press their plan of exchanging the forty or fifty jurisdictions in London for eleven municipalities of the ordinary type, with power to control the police, govern...

At a meeting of the St. Pancras Board of Works

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on Tuesday a vote was passed granting 1,000/. to the surveyor for clearing away the snow, which it appears was done, though slowly, the snow being taken from the streets into...

. The Emperor of Austria, forgetting apparently that he had

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just promised to respect the Hungarian Conslitution, has issued a patent establishing a new organic law of recruiting for the whole empire: Under its provisions every man...

We trust the project attributed to the Reform League of

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hold- Mg a mass meeting in front of Westminster Hall, under colour of presenting petitions, will be abandoned. The design is, we imagine, illegal, and will only rouse the temper...

Mr. Lowe will have it that his remarks about the

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venality and drunkenness of the lower classes referred to the lower classes in the existing constituency. The greengrocers, he thinks, are not for- midable, while the artisans...

The Russian Government has at last made an end officially

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of Poland. By three decrees dated 19th December (O. S.) the Czar merges Poland in Russia, destroys her separate financial and postal administration, and redivides her into five...

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Mr. Renter's agent in America is a goose. He leaves

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undone what he ought to do, and does what he ought not to do ; and what he does do, he does unintelligibly. The Times' correspondent's Washington 'telegram mentioned above was...

A horrible revolt has occurred in the Penitentiary of POrient,

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an island on the coast of Provence, tenanted by some 300 lads, from sixteen to twenty. On October . 2, the boys, irritated, it is said, by some deficiencies in their food, broke...

The Consol Market has continued firm, and a further advance

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has taken place in the quotations. The Three per Cents, for account have been as high as 91k, , last night's closing prices being 91 to 91k for delivery, and 91k to 91f for...

The Pope has suppressed Presbyterian worship in Rome. It appears

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that the Rev. Mr. Lewis has been in the habit of holding Scotch services in his own house, and the practice has been winked at for years. It was brought. however, to the...

Curiously enough, it has just been proved that at one

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time women did vote regularly in New Jersey. Miss Lucy Stone and Miss H. B. Blackwell, citizens of New Jersey, have shown that in 1776 the original State Constitution conferred...

It seems pretty certain that the Alabama claims are really

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to be submitted to arbitration. The Times has received authority to state that, "in reply to a communication received from the Govern- ment of the United States, Her Majesty's...

S. Natoli, the Minister of Public Instruction in Italy, has

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given • some interesting statistics about the public and large private Libraries of the different States of Europe. They are not, how- ever, much guide to either the number of...

The closing prices of the leading Home and Foreign Securities

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yesterday and on Friday week were :— Friday, Jan. 4. Friday, Jan. U. Mexican .. .. .. .. .. ... 18 .. 174 Spanish Passive .. .. .. .. .. 21 .. 21 ' Do. Certificates . .. .. .....

Alexander Smith, the Scotch poet, died last Saturday of gastric

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fever, at the age of only thirty-six years. His Life Drama was published when he was only twenty-three. His imagination had a wonderful fertility of metaphor, and single lines...

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THE TIMES' CHALLENGE. A NTI-REFORMERS of all grades and every mode of thought, from Mr. Lowe, who believes in oligarchy tem- pered by brains, and the Times, which believes only...

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THE OBSTRUCTIVE PRESIDENT. T President of the United States appears

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to be a man of rE small intellect and strong passions. At present he is acting like young chess-players playing a losing game, who cannot deny themselves the small temporary...

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rOITR years of French finance are again before the public. X' M. Fould has submitted his Report to the Emperor, reaching back to 1865, and looking forward to 1868. The report is...

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T HE MARQUIS of WESTMINSTER seems to under- stand Edileship better than Lord Derby. We are informed that the suggestion we offered last week with regard to the poor on the...

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P ROFESSOR BLACKIE has been speaking with a certain romantic and almost youthful fervour—remarkable in a man who wishes to exclude all young men, "however well educated,"...

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I F the days of duelling are past, the days of bitter speaking are not, and it is becoming necessary to remind politicians that there are rules of debate which ought to be...

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S OME strange, rather striking, and very reckless papers, full of a sort of blasphemy—we use the word not to convey any censure of our's, but in its strict meaning,—which has...

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hard grey weather," sings Kingsley, in one of the very best of his slighter pieces, "breeds hard Englishmen," and the verse expresses one of the most popular of English super-...

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New York, December 21, 1866. THE Supreme Court of the

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United States has just made a decision the importance of which can hardly be overrated. The question decided and the unanimity of the Court make the case a leading one ; and as...

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SIR,-If I have not been more " definite " in my suggestions towards "Organizing the Empire," it is because I consider nothing is idler than to spin plans before the principles...

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A COURSE OF ENGLISH LITERATURE.* IT is rather difficult to do justice to Mr. Hannay's little book on English literature. Written expressly for students in schools and -evening...

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THE many admirers of our great proverbial poet ought to know that in this gorgeous new edition of his Proverbial Philosophy he appears before us in anew character,—as designer,...

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LYRA ELEGANTIA.RIIM.* Tins is a nearly perfect collection of English

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poetry of the draw- ing-room, and though we cannot honestly admire that poetry as Mr. Locker does , we can most honestly admire this volume of Mr. Locker's. There are men in...

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Tan true Danish humour, the humour to which in its highest form Andersen has accustomed us, has seldom been exhibited in a more delightful form than in this fascinating little...

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The Dublin Review. This really remarkable publication has reached its fifteenth number, and has attracted less attention out of Ireland than it deserves. It is, we imagine, the...

Great liareseld. (Edmonston and Douglas.)-1 novel by an un- known

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writer, who will probably be heard of again, who apparently knows Germany almost as well as England, can describe well in sharp, incisive, simple sentences, and could, if he...

Curiosities of Clocks and Watches from the Earliest Times. By

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E. J. Wood. (Bentley.)--A very readable account of most of the celebrated clocks and watches in the world, interspersed with anecdotes of every kind connected with watchmaking....

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The Book of Common Prayer. With titles and borders designed

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and drawn by R. R. Holmes, F.S.A., and engraved on wood by 0. Jewitt. (Rivingtons.)—This handsome volume, not too large for use, will, we should think, find its way into most...

The Master of Wingbourne. A novel. 2 vols. (Newby.)—There is

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a good deal of commendable home-painting of a slightly eccentric character in these two volumes. We are introduced to a house in North Wales, which is evidently under a clond....

The Book of Martyrs. By John Foxe. Revised, with notes

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and' an appendix by Rev. William Bramley-Moore, M.A. With illustra- tions by G. S. Thomas, John Gilbert, G. du Manlier, &c. (Cassell, Petter, and Galpin.)—This handsome edition...

Off the Land's End, Homeward Bound; or, Christmas Eve on

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Board the Oberon. By Walter Reid, with eight illustrations by John Proctor. (Griffin).—The chief cabin folk on board the Oberon spend their last' night before landing in telling...

Pictorial History of the Great Rehelli071. By Alfred B. Guernsey

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and Henry M. Alden. Part I. (Harper, New York ; Sampson Low, Son, and Marston.)—This is the first half of an interesting work which will be an especial boon to people who are...

Lyra Britanhica. A Collection of British Hymns. Printed from the

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genuine texts, with biographical sketches of the hymn-writers. By Rev. C. Rogers, LL.D., F.S.A., Scotland. (Longmans.)—We really can give no other account of this volume than-...

Hollowdell Grange; or, Holiday Hours in a Country Home. By

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G. - M. Fenn. (Routledge.)—The title of this book sufficiently explains the- contents. The author relates in a simple and pleasant way the adven- tures of a town boy who goes on...

The Fountain of Youth. Translated from the Danish of Frederick

The Spectator

Paludan Muller. By H. A. Freeland, late M.P. for Chichester. With illustrations designed by Walter Allan, engraved on wood by J. D. Cooper. (Mactuillan.)—No one can look at this...