12 AUGUST 1865

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, A remarkable murder has been committed this week. On

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Saturday a man called at the Star Coffeehouse, Red Lion Street, Holborn, and asked for accommodation for three children, aged six, eight, and ten. They were, he said, going to...


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MHE week has not been so dull. We have had a rumour of war between two great Powers, an angry correspondence be- tween Lord Malmesbury and Mr. Gladstone, a decidedly...

The Prussian lawyers have given in their report on the

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right of succession to the Duchies. They say it legally rests with King Christian, and has been by him legally transferred to his con- querors. The report has created some...

The Queen quitted London for Germany on Tuesday, to be

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present at the inauguration of the Coburg memorial to the Prince Consort.

Abd-el-Kader, once a sovereign Emir, and still one of the

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most influential Mussulmans alive, with a grand pedigree and the re- putation of having saved the Christians of Damascus, has come to England. and gone away again. Nobody paid...

Immediately after he commission of this murder Southey, whose real

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name is Forewood, or Forward, went down to Rams- gate to see his wife, whom he had not seen for eight years, and asking to speak to her alone, shot her and his little girl, and...

Nothing has been heard during the week from the Great

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Eastern or of the Atlantic cable. Some score or two of theories have been published, of which the most probable is that the electricians discovered a flaw, and have been since...

Reuter's account of the offers made by Austria to Prussia

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for the disposal of the Duchies was substantially correct, but Herr von 13istnark refused them all. It is now said that the Kaiser has offered to give up his request for...

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They are so exposed, even now. A "gaol chaplain" writes

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to the Times to say that in his prison three accused men are now detained, and will be detained until the assizes, eight months hence. They are kept in solitary cells, with...

The Times correspondent reports a horrible story., 'A Com- mittee

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of the House of Representatives was last session ordered to report on the circumstances attending a massacre of Cheyenne Indians. They have completed their task, and affirm that...

Mr. Gladstone, in one of his election speeches at Liverpool,

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declared that he was not responsible for the expenditure in China in 1860, for Lord Malmesbury had given the orders which pro- duced the war. Lord Malmesbury, after chafing over...

Charlotte Winsor will, it appears, escape all punishment for her

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crimes, an 1, strange to say, the public will probably approve the escape. A legal principle worth fifty such lives as hers was en- dangered by her sentence. She hal been tried...

The farmers are still pressing the Government to arrest the

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cattle plague, either by prohibiting the introduction of foreign beasts, or by enforcing the immediate destruction of every infected animal. The Government is, however, most...

Lord Stanley on Monday addressed the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce

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upon some of the many questions which are both com- mercial and political—railwayf area , patents, and commercial treaties. He informed the Chamber that evidence was flowing in...

The trial of the last experiment in shipbuilding may be

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looked for in a few weeks. Mr. Wynan's steam yacht, commonly known as the "Cigar Ship," is now nearly ready for launching, and a very high rate of speed is anticipated. Her...

The cholera has been raging all the week at Ancona,

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killing fifty or sixty a day, and is reported to have reached Marseilles. All the elfin) round the Mediterranean are in a fever of fear, the populace, with its usual contempt...

There is little special news from America, but the general

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tone of intelligence is unfavourable. The South is recovering its con- fidence, and planters speak openly of the things they will do when the soldiers are withdrawn. In almost...

The citizens of Coventry are apparently weary of the proverb

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which makes the name of their city a synonym for exclusiveness, and have set up a club upon the principle of not excluding any- body. It is called the Coventry City Club, and...

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A prospectus has been issued of the Belfast and Bangor

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Railway and Land Company, with a capital of 1,000,0001., in 201. shares, the first issue to consist of 30,000 shares. The cost of the line will be about 50,0001. per mile, the...

Mr. Seymour Fitzgerald and Mr. Newdegate have addressed their constituents

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this week, the former as a defeated candidate. He made a speech on his leader's text, affirming that the elections proved a Conservative reaction. The feeling for a large...

There is trouble coming in Japan. The Prince of Nagato

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objects to something the Tycoon has done or omitted to do, has declared war, and has asked Burgevine, the soldier of fortune, to command his army. Bargevine has declined, but as...

The attendance at the Stock Exchange during the week has

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been unusually limited, and very little business has been done in any description of securities. Consols have declined considerably in price, viz., from 901 1, the closing price...

Mr. Thomas Walesby declares that Big Ben has never been

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repaired since it was cracked. It has only been turned round, and a hammer of 71 cwts. exchanged for a hammer of little more than half that weight. Consequently the sound is a...

The leading British Railways left off at the following prices

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yesterday and on Friday week :— Caledonian .. Great Eastern .. •• • • Great Northern .. Great Western.. .. • • • . • • Friday, August 4. 132} 47} 1311 65 Friday, August...

The Twenty-Ninth Canon is to be altered. Convocation was ordered

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to change it so as to allow the parents to be godfathers and godmothers, and did so, but added that no applicant was to be admitted unless "capable of receiving the Communion."...

The annual meeting of the Royal Insurance Company was held

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on the 4th inst. The report presented to the shareholders was very favourable, and indicated a steadily increasing business.

The closing prices of the leading Foreign Securities yesterday and

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on Friday week were :- Friday, A•ugt.st 4. Friday, August 11. Greek 2)1 211 Do. Coupons .. 71 Mexican 23 231 Spanish Pusive • • .. 231 281 Do. Certificates 131 131...

The people of Kentucky will, it is believed, reject the

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proposal to amend the Constitution by abolishing slavery, and as Kentucky is the last Slave State, the central Government has been compelled to resort to other means. General...

On Wednesday afternoon the Archbishop of York, distri- buting competitive

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prizes at Wigton to the successful competitors of the schools of that town, took occasion to praise Mr. George Moore for "stirring up a great interest in education, in the...

An exhibition of works executed by English and French work-

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men was opened on Monday at the Crystal Palace, and the journals have tried hard to praise it, but failed. The collection is too small, and too deficient in distinctiveness,...

The report, plans, and sections of the extension of the

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Scinde Railway to Mooltan are now nearly completed.

The Share List of the Menai Park and Hotel Company

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(Limited) will close on the 16th inst. The shares are quoted at 11 to 1 prem.

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THE NEUTRALITY OF BRITISH AMERICA. T HE New York Chamber of Commerce is not a body to which English politicians usually look for light, but it has recently made a suggestion...

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T HE day of judgment for three years expected in Bombay has arrived at last, and the Western Presidency presents a scene such as has never been witnessed in Asia, and hardly in...

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I T is painful to see how helplessly society writhes under the sense of its own powerlessness to deal with this crime of child-murder. Everybody acknowledges its increase,...

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A FEW months ago Mr. Gladstone, who has an idea un- usual among statesmen, that theological questions ought to be treated as seriously as tariff disputes, that it is, for...

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W E trust we may gather from the speech delivered a fer days since by Lord Stanley at Manchester, that the question of the policy of granting patents for inventions will be...

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I TALY, we strongly suspect, is nearer to the possession of Venetia than she has been for years. A pressure is being applied to the House of Hapsburg of a novel kind, and one...

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T EIE Times has missed the point of the final decision recently given on the claims of the Indian peasantry, and its demand for a " short declaratory Act" would, if granted,...

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1. than the Weald of Kent and Sussex, extending seine

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hun- dred miles in length and thirty miles in breadth, from near Hast- ings till towards Folkestone. It has few roads and fewer villages ; its chief produce is rank grass, and...

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rr HE noble and Royal House of Bruce, of which the Braces of Elgin are certainly a branch, though the precise line cannot be traced, is derived from ROBERT DE Bans (probably a...

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[FROM OUR SPECLAJ. CORRESPONDENT.] New York, July 28, 1865. A BRITISH officer, who when he was here got the reputation of having "rifle on the brain," wrote to me in a letter...

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To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." SIR,—Whatever may be the differences of opinion that exist upon the question of whether or no it is desirable to extend the electoral...

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THE PRICE OF GEMS.* Tars luxurious little book is by far the most useful which has yet appeared on its subject. Not so artistic or so full of scholarship as Mr. King's, it...

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THESE Eton sketches were well worth republication from Black- wood, more especially as there had actually been no previous attempt to collect, even in the mast fragmentary form,...

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MAJOR MALLRSON, the able Anglo-Indian whose lectures, full at once of spiritand of special and minute knowledge, have frequently • been quoted in our columns, has published a...

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pity that Lord Bury, in dropping the paradoxical title under which his work was at first advertised, did not choose a less pretentious one than that under which it has finally...

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Life's Work and God's Discipline. Three Sermons preached before the

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University of Cambridge. By C. J. Vaughan, D.D. (Macmillan) —This little book will be welcomed by all students of theological litera- ture, i.e., in these days by all thinking...


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Dream-Children. By the Author of Seven Little People and their Friends. (Cambridge, U. S.: Sever and Francis.)—A child's book from America illustrated with pretty woodcuts comes...