10 NOVEMBER 1967

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Heads in the sands

The Spectator

Mr .Brown's singlemindedness in the pursuit of his enthusiasms is his most appealing characteristic. But it can be dangerous in a Foreign Secretary, particularly when it is...

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Portrait of the week

The Spectator

Every week has its quota of bloody violence; about accidents people are less blasé. An Iberia Airlines Caravelle crashed in Sussex, killing thirty-seven passengers; the...

Thirty-seven months

The Spectator

Mr Harold Wilson bids fair to make his mark - in the history books as the most unsticcessful Prune Minister of modern times. This is not simply a matter of judgment: it is also...

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Labour's morning after

The Spectator

POLITICAL COMMENTARY AUBERON WAUGH That Labour backbenchers should be more in- terested in a great economic affairs debate than their Conservative opposite numbers is only to...

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If Arabs had wings

The Spectator

MIDDLE EAST LAURENCE MARTIN By the end of the June war Israel had virtually destroyed the Arabs' powers of resistance and stopped only where it suited her for political and...

A Tory says No

The Spectator

VIETNAM C. M. WOODHOUSE Monty Woodhouse, MP for Oxford until 1966, was a junior minister in the Macmillan and Douglas-Home administrations. There are two quite distinct...

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The helpless ones

The Spectator

AMERICA MURRAY KEMPTON Boston, Mass.—'A feeling of having no choice,' Miss Mary McCarthy has noticed, 'is becoming more and more widespread in American life.' We have become,...

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The curse of gimmickry

The Spectator

GOVERNMENT RONALD GRIERSON Ronald Grierson resigned as chief executive of the IRC a fortnight ago. This critical appraisal of the Government's new policy to- wards industry is...

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The Spectator

J. W. M. THOMPSON 'Flower people,' Edward Heath called the Scot- tish Nationalists in a misguided moment during the Hamilton by-election. I can't think why English Tories like...

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Yours for Scotland

The Spectator

PERSONAL COLUMN LUDOVIC KENNEDY To take the personal side first. I came back to live here eighteen months ago because this is my mother's and father's country, where I was...

A hundred years ago

The Spectator

From the 'Spectator', 9 November, I867—The accounts of the battle of Monte Rotondo, or Men- tana, as the French call it, from a village nearer to Rome, are conflicting; but...

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City page war

The Spectator

THE PRESS DONALD McLACHLAN is it significant that commuters can be seen extracting from their copies of The Times its Business Section and leaving it behind when they leave...

Second Flood?

The Spectator

SCIENCE PETER J. SMITH The earth is slowly getting warmer, and one of the most significant results of this pro- cess is the gradual melting of the Antarctic ice cap. If this...


The Spectator

. . the reason why newspaper managements have been able to have their backs against the wall without reading the writing on it.' (Clive Irving, The Times, 4 November.) They...

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With prejudice

The Spectator

THE LAW R. A. CLINE The Street Report on anti-discrimination legis- lation has rightly received respectful applause from that segment of public opinion which is professionally...

Codes of conduct

The Spectator

CONSUMING INTEREST LESLIE ADRIAN Those whom business or pleasure takes down the Kensington High Street have been wonder- ing for some time what was going on near the Royal...

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Books to the wall

The Spectator

TABLE TALK PENIS BROGAN Showing that although I am no longer a pro- fessor. I still am a don, most of my indignation and interest this week have been due to the quarrel over...

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The trouble with aunt Bo BOOKS

The Spectator

DENIS BROGAN Quite recently, I mentioned to a great friend of mine, a devoted if no longer a devout member of the Labour party, that the Webbs had been buried in Westminster...

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Marxism for moderns

The Spectator

HARRY G. JOHNSON The New Industrial State J. K. Galbraith (Hamish Hamilton 42s) 'The imperatives of technology and organisa- tion, not the images of ideology, are what...

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On the box

The Spectator

NED SHERRIN Any book about television which devotes more space to TW3 than to any other single pro- gramme is obviously soundly based; and although Stuart Hood had no active...

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Unfair to Ayub

The Spectator

GEORGE HUTCHINSON By this book, it may be thought, the President of Pakistan has done himself less than justice, for both in character and in outlook he is, I believe, more...

Man alive

The Spectator

WILLIAM SARGANT The Naked Ape Desmond Morris (Cape 30s) Desmond Morris is a highly trained scien- tific observer who has won considerable recog- nition in his own zoological...

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The Spectator

Time_ for decision GEORGE CLIVE A Tree on Fire Alan Sillitoe (Macmillan , 300 The Dolly Dolly Spy Adam Diment (Michael Joseph 21s) - Don't Look at Me Like That Diana Athill...

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The Politics of the European Communist

The Spectator

Inside the apparat S. E. FINER faut une volontd unie' wrote Robespierre in his camel: and in 1921 Lenin echoed him in proclaiming 'the opposition's time has run out . . . we...

Shorter notices

The Spectator

A Second Hand Life Charles Jackson (W. H. Allen 30s). Nineteen years since The Lost Weekend, Jackson's authoritative portrait of an alcoholic, but this routine study of a...

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Faking the footage ARTS

The Spectator

STUART HOOD It was good to see television celebrating a real event—the Russian Revolution—and not some spurious landmark in the history of conimunica- tions like Twenty Years...

Up a crumb tree

The Spectator

OPERA • CHARLES 'REID There was a page of prelude before the curtain went up on Richard Rodney Bennett's new opera at Sadler's Wells. Soft, high fifths and fourths dipped and...

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Mixed double

The Spectator

ART BRYAN ROBERTSON Kasmin's Gallery is exhibiting a very large steel sculpture painted a dullish, matt, sandy-yellow by Anthony Caro with one smaller work, also in steel, but...

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For the trade

The Spectator

THEATRE HILARY SPURLING Edward Gordon Craig was born in 1872 and died last year. Ellen Terry was his mother, E. W. Godwin who built Northampton town hall was his father, Henry...

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The Spectator

CHRISTOPHER FILDES In a flurry of flying directors, whirling around the country in search of votes, the great struggle for Associated Electrical Industries is drawing to its...

Window-dressing the accounts MONEY

The Spectator

NICHOLAS DAVENPORT Perhaps I had already been conditioned by the hilarious cartoon in the Evening Standard of the Queen, reading the speech from the throne, with the caption :...

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Breathing space

The Spectator

PORTFOLIO JOHN BULL No new stock this week, but a second look at two already in the portfolio. In the insurance world, things have been moving to my advan- tage: but in the...

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Bankers of the world, unite!

The Spectator

BUSINESS VIEWPOINT WALTER SALOMON Walter H. Salomon is chairman of Rea Brothers, the City merchant bank, and of Canal- Randolph Corporation. Now that the dust has settled, I...

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Market report

The Spectator

CUSTOS Equity shares are trying to accustom them- selves to the rarefied atmosphere up above the 400 mark on the Financial Times index. Plenty of takeovers and plenty more...

ffolkes's business alphabet

The Spectator

Roman scandal

The Spectator

FINANCE—AID JOHN WHITE Expenditure past the S100 million mark and rising at 10 to 15 per cent each year; staff —on w horn most of the money goes—up from 1,700 to 5,300 in ten...

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Russia fifty years after

The Spectator

Sir: Two comments seem in order on Tibor Szamuely's final article on 'Russia: Fifty Years After' (3 November). Firstly, it seems highly dis- ingenuous of a writer with Mr...

The prisoners of St Kitts

The Spectator

LETTERS From James Milnes Gaskell, Patrick Middle- ton, J. Rowland-Jones, Sir Brandon Rhys Williams, E. R. Pocock. Nicolas Walter, Sir Denis Brogan, James Reeves, Christopher...

Chess no. 360

The Spectator

PHILIDOR Black White 9 men 9 men E. Rukhlis (1st prize, Sverdlovsk, 1946). White to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to no. 359 (Loschinski): B –R 5,...

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Public ends and private means

The Spectator

Sir: If John Ashe feels- that Tories are disposed towards selectivity in that they oppose the waste of public resources, excessive taxation and the erosion of the instinct to...

Solution next week

The Spectator

Solution to Crossword no. 1298. Across. 1 Violet 4 Balances 10 Centaur II Cavalry 12 Tate 13 Laurentian 16 °bolus 17 Scrapes 20 Dorados 21 Regret 24 Pay-packets 25 Bane 27...

Snob stories

The Spectator

Sir: In reply to Mr Graham Hutton (Letters, 3 November) I can only say that since I am re- motely a Nixon which is a sept of the Macleans I cannot be expected to accept my old...

Beyond the Oxgrave

The Spectator

Sir: In his sympathetic review (27 October) of A New Canon of English Poetry, edited by Martin Seymour-Smith and me, Anthony Bur- gess suggests that our representation of the...

Why all this fuss about libraries?

The Spectator

Sir: Mr Burgess (3 November) and J. Caesar would not be alone in their book burners' club. The philosopher Hume once wrote: 'Science, then, must limit itself strictly to...

Extinct volcano Sir: Arnold Beichman says in his review of

The Spectator

Jack Newfield's book, A Prophetic Minority : The American New Left (3 November), that 'there is no New Left in America except for a lot of rhetoricians who write about the New...

Clement Attlee

The Spectator

Sir: Mr Christopher Hollis's interesting and enter- taining note on Lord Attlee's personal character (13 October), prompts me to venture to mention a slight anecdote about the...

Crossword no. 1299

The Spectator

Across 1 Bread-winners (10) 6 With which to get the feel of things (4) 10 Set language (5) 11 A girlish state of languor (9) 12 Masterful prevalence (9) 11 I go into the Eagle...

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High in society

The Spectator

AFTERTHOUGHT JOHN WELLS During the glittering 'sixties there was perhaps no figure better known or better loved in London society than 'Chips' Brown, the ebullient Foreign...

Tom Paine

The Spectator

Sir: John Higgins (27 October) is understandably critical of the performance of the 'non-play,' Tom Paine, at the Vaudeville Theatre, but he seems to have swallowed a major part...

The wobblies

The Spectator

Sir: While I was happy to see your very favourable review of my book The Wobblies I was sorry to see that it was credited to Patrick Kershaw and not to


The Spectator

No. 474: Sextet Competitors are invited to compose a six-line poem, or stanza of a poem, on any one of the subjects given below, using three of the follow- ing four pairs of...