10 MARCH 1967

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Seldom has the essentially farcical nature of the great incomes

The Spectator

policy debate been better exemplified than by the recent episode of Mr Wilson's latest—and reverentially well- publicised—jeu d'esprit, the so-called 'national dividend.' Born...

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D Notices and the 'Spectator' A certain amount of interest

The Spectator

appears to have been aroused by the publication, in last week's SPECTATOR, of the two D Notices first referred to by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on 21 February....

Gaullism marches on

The Spectator

The results of the first ballot in the French elections give no comfort to those in Britain (and there were many in high places) who were hoping for a rebuff to General de...

Portrait of the week

The Spectator

GENLRAL DI GAULLE swept halfway home in France with a majority which looked already nearly as fat as before. Mr Wilson consoled him- self with a day-trip to Luxembourg, where he...

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The Speech that failed

The Spectator

POLITICAL COMMENTARY ALAN WATKINS Writing recently in the SPECTATOR, Mr Robert Blake suggested that historians asked the wrong kind of questions. Instead of trying to explain...

The lost followers

The Spectator

CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS It is reported that owing to the defeat of Mr Kamaraf and other Congress leaders Mrs Gandhi's position as Prime Minister has been somewhat strengthened....

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Mr Wilson and his dogs

The Spectator

DESMOND DONNELLY, MP When I entered the House of Commons, seventeen years ago, I was approached by a senior Labour minister. 'You're Donnelly?' asked the minister....

A hundred years ago

The Spectator

From the 'Spectator,' 9 March /867 The Wash- ington Senate, which has taken lately a moderate turn, though steadily adhering to its main objects, has actually sustained Mr....

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Up bobs Bobby

The Spectator

AMERICA MURRAY KEMPTON 'A few days ago the winners of the annual White House News Photographers' contest filed into President Johnson's office to have their pictures taken with...

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In for a month

The Spectator

PUNISHMENT GILES PLAYFAIR The sad little case of Mrs Eileen Baker, which fleetingly occupied the headlines and the tele- vision screens, has ended anti-climactically. Her...

Freedom or else

The Spectator

TURKEY KEITH KYLE Keith Kyle has recently visited Turkey on behalf of Amnesty. Sadi Alkilig was a minor Turkish civil ser- vant in his late fifties, in charge of the stores of...

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The Spectator

J. W. M. THOMPSON Soon after Mr Crossman had been tormented by his own backbenchers for the better part of an hour in the Commons last week (on the mysteriously inflammatory...

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Who watches Woodcock?

The Spectator

THE PRESS . DONALD McLACHLAN I must not, I know, talk politics in this column; but before I offer my humble advice to the newspapers, may I ask them and the politicians one...

Tinted screen

The Spectator

TELEVISION STUART HOOD One man must be relieved at the PMG'S decision to allow ay to duplicate its trans- missions in colour. It is Lord Hill, for had the decision been left in...

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Doctor's case

The Spectator

THE LAW R. A. CLINE Last week a doctor asked the High Court to support his contention that his travelling ex- penses should be deducted from his assessment for income tax. He...

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A letter to my son

The Spectator

PERSONAL COLUMN SIMON RAVEN MY DEAR BOY, Very shortly now I must congratulate you on your fifteenth birthday. Fifteen will be a difficult age for you, I think, as it is the...

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Never on Sontag BOOKS

The Spectator

A. ALVAREZ Anyone who had only seen Susan Sontag on Monitor or read about her in Time would probably imagine a kind of New York Brigid Brophy: a lady, that is, with an eye...

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The Turn the Novel by Alan Friedman

The Spectator

Open and shut cases ANTHONY BURGESS (OUP 45s) It would be pleasant, so some of us think, if the novel could be a kind of Faberge artefact, totally cut off from wearisome...

Terror and fable

The Spectator

MARTIN SEYMOUR-SMITH Short Friday and other stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer (Seeker and Warburg 30s) In My Father's Court by Isaac Bashevis Singer (Secker and Warburg 3(s) We...

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Bizarre and irrational pattern

The Spectator

JOHN ROWAN WILSON Last year Pamela Hansford Johnson was asked by the Sunday Telegraph to spend a day or so at the Moors murder trial and write of her impressions. The trial...

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The Spectator

Evasive Deborah PATRICK ANDERSON The Trouble with lake by Michael Burn (Rod- ley Head 25s) Quarry by Jane White (Michael Joseph 25s) The Presence of Music by Maurice Shadbolt...

The Romans

The Spectator

DESMOND FISHER The R.Cs. by George Scott (Hutchinson 35s) It is only a little over one hundred years since the last major discriminatory measures against Roman Catholics were...

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Under the jackboot

The Spectator

NEVILLE BRAYBROOKE Night Falls on the City by Sarah Gainham (Collins 30s) After seventeen years with the Burgtheater in Vienna, Julie Homburg, a famous classical actress, finds...

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Bomberg sets the Tate on fire ARTS

The Spectator

FRANCIS HOYLAND I find it hard to write about a man who was as badly treated by the art world as David Bomberg was, without losing my temper and swiping out at all and sundry....


The Spectator

Shrewdly cut' PENELOPE HOUSTON Anyone who has ever managed to catch up with the Fairbanks-Pickford Taming of. the Shrew will remember one justly famous credit title: the...

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The Spectator

Our sad elders HILARY SIT RUNG The Georgian fallacy dies hard. Only last Sunday, the theatre critic of the Observer challenged future generations to find fault with John...

Handt's feat MUSIC

The Spectator

CHARLES REID People have been so busy writing about the look (tiresome) and sound (prodigiously good) of Queen Elizabeth Hall, the South Bank's new 1,106-seater, that Herbert...

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Economic strategy for 1970 MONEY

The Spectator

NICHOLAS DAVENPORT In the old days the National Institute of Eco- nomic and Social Research used to play the role of social conscience in the contemporary economic debate. It...

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Market notes

The Spectator

CUSTOS This is the season when stock market prices are blown hither and thither by budget rumours. The gilt-edged market has for the moment shrugged off the rumour that Mr...

Troubled oil

The Spectator

JOHN BULL If you ask an oilman what has been the roost worrying event in his industry during the past ten days he will mention the Iraq Petroleum Company settlement with Syria...

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Sir: Why is there all this fuss about D Notices

The Spectator

concerning the Post Office reading cablegrams and any other sources of information that pass through its hands? The collecting of information in this way has been, and probably...

Mr Wilson and the press

The Spectator

LETTERS From Geoffrey Marshall, Cohn Brown, Alastair Hetherington, T. W. Blyth, Christopher T. Higgins, R. R. Pedley, Mrs L. H. Milner- Gulland, Christopher Driver, Kenneth R....

Matter of taste

The Spectator

CONSUMING INTEREST LESLIE ADRIAN It depends on your social conditioning whether not to be able to tell marge from butter is a good or a bad thing. Eating in a well-known,...

Sir: Mr Alan Watkins is correct in saying (3 March)

The Spectator

that I was approached about a possible candidature at Pollok. He is incorrect in the form of refusal he attributes to me. My refusal was immediate and unconditional. although I...

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Sir: As a journalist Mr Patrick Hutber might have been

The Spectator

expected to examine the issues at Barnsbury from all sides before rushing into print. He might then have found it unnecessary to accuse officials of the Ministry of Housing, of...

The purpose of education

The Spectator

Sir: I believe Anthony Burgess lives in East Sussex. If he had done his homework among this county's schools he might have found that things had changed, and have been hard put...

Goodbye, Mr Chips

The Spectator

Sir: How right is Mr Thompson (Spectators Notebook,' 3 March) to upbraid the National Union of Teachers for their bigoted attitude to public schools' It is sad to see the...

Sir: If T. S. Eliot was wrong to say 'jtivescence

The Spectator

(which is conceded), is Mr Anthony Burgess right to say •Beethovian'? Christopher Driver 6 Church Road, Highgate, London N6

The Barnsbury scandal

The Spectator

Sir: As chairman of the Barnsbury Association I would like to congratulate you on the splendid article by Patrick Hutber, 'The Barnsbury Scandal' (3 March). The association was...

An alternative economic policy

The Spectator

Sir: The criticism of Mr Lawson's advocacy of a floating pound made by Mr St John-Stevas (3 March) is, I suggest, ill-founded. He ignores the fact that pegging the exchange...

Chess no. 325

The Spectator

PHILIDOR H. V. Tuxen (1st Prize, Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1919). White to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to no. 324 (Hartong): K x P. threat - Kt 5. 1...

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How to choose an architect Sir: In applying the word

The Spectator

'falsity' to a kind of building he dislikes Mr Manser (3 March) adopts the tone and the moralistic outlook on architec- ture of Pugin and the Gothic revivalists—an approach even...

The fall of Adam

The Spectator

Sir: I regret that in my letter on the case of the Rev and Hon Adam Clayton Powell the word Negro continuously appears with a lower-case Initial, which may suggest that I...


The Spectator

Sir: A rather puritan-sounding gentleman wrote from North Wales last week that the Afterthought- man, John Wells, 'has got breasts on the brain.' What red-blooded,...


The Spectator

JOHN WELLS One of the most quietly sympathetic of my colleagues during my time as a schoolteacher was the housemaster from next door. Unlike the more traditional old Eton...

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Crossword no. 1264

The Spectator

Across 1 Reward to the crossword dog from a manipula- tor? (10) 6 A little salmon for Catherine? (4) 10 Is there nothing vulgar to be done? (5) 11 Mrs Wharton's Hudson River was...