10 JUNE 1871

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An able letter in the Times explains the plan upon

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which the Military Committee below the Commune attempted to burn Paris. Their idea at first was rather not to scruple to burn it than to burn it, to destroy as a military...

On Thursday, Mr. Rylands moved to refuse anything beyond regulation

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prices, and was defeated after a very tedious discussion by 177 (285 to 108). Mr. Anderson then challenged the Chair- man of Committees as to the right of military officers to...


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T HE summary executions in Paris have ceased, the bodies of the condemned are being burned, the gates are thrown open, and the city has resumed to a great extent its normal...

The Army Regulation Bill debate on Monday was chiefly remarkable

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for the defeat of amendments moved by speakers whose speeches raised over and over again questions of prin- ciple settled by the House on the second reading. General Sir Percy...

After Monday's discussion of the Army Bill, Mr. Cardwell moved

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that the Committee should be resumed at a morning sitting on Tuesday, a proposal which elicited a very stormy discussion, in which it was obvious that the policy of the...

Paris thus subjugated, the Assembly is turning its attention to

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the reconstitution of the Government. It has ordered the 120 *eats which are vacant to be filled up, and decided that all the laws which proscribed the family of Bourbon shall...

-** * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in

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any case.

A curious story has obtained much credence at Versailles. Rochefort,

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it is said, is in possession of a telegram from the Emperor of Russia to the Government of the National Defence, written just after Sedan, in which the Czar promises his good...

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A resolution moved yesterday week in the House of Commons

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by Mr. White (M.P. for Brighton), condemning the policy of increasing the Income-tax only in order to keep up the payment of the Debt by terminable annuities, and supported by a...

Lord Sandhurst (Sir W. Mansfield) made his first speech in

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the- House of Lords on Monday. It was a good speech, though far too. verbose, and its point was, that for short service we enlisted men too young. If boys enlisted at 18 are to...

The House was counted out both yesterday week add on

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Tuesday, a matter of great grief to Sir John Pakington, who had a motion to bring forward condemning Mr. Cardwell's conduct in relation to "the Cornwall Rangers ;" and a matter...

Mr. Graves brought forward his motion for a Commission to.

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inquire into the manning of the Navy on Tuesday, in a speecl. full of knowledge and point. We have discussed it elsewhere,. but may mention here that on the great points there...

Our readers are aware that since Jamaica has been governed

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by Sir J. P. Grant,—that is, by an Anglo-Indian trained rather to govern than to talk,---the insolvent colony has become solvent, its last balance-sheet showing a realized...

A deputation of delegates from London Liberal Associations waited on

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Mr. Forster on Saturday about the Ballot Bill. They raised various points of minor importance, but their first object. was to express a suspicion that Government was not quite...

The Census Bureau of the United States admits that within

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the ten years ending 1870 the value of all property assessed to taxa- tion within the Union has been stationary, while the average- wealth of individuals has declined...

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Oxford has conferred what we may call a controversial de-

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gree on Dr. Dollinger, of course for his distinguished serviced against the Pope. It was eloquently advocated by Dr. Lid- don in a Convocation held on Tuesday, in a long Latt...

What a dispassionate reader of both testimonies really will believe

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is this,—that Archbishop Darboy was an Infallibiliat before the question came up ; that he thought it a very bad moment to declare the dogma ; that his zeal on this question led...

The Lord Mayor gave a banquet on Wednesday to the

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Judges, at - which the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, Sir W. Bovill, who is conducting the great Tichborne trial, was present, and the interchange of after-dinner...

The Bill for permitting Dissenters to bury their dead in

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the -parish churchyard, with services of their own at the grave, if -they desire, passed into Committee, and was fought through one -of its most disputed clauses on Wednesday,...

We do trust that the Premier will find time this

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Session to give an hour's personal attention to the condition of the Judicial Com- mittee of Privy Council. It is a scandal to the Empire, and as ite can alter it at once, if he...

Indeed Papal questions are almost the only ones on which

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the English public still seems to approve an open and almost confessed resolve to see only one side. Of this a very curious instance occurred in the Times this week. Last Friday...

The clerical contest in the Black Country, of which we

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wrote a fortnight since, ended on Wednesday, the Rev. Charles Lee &wring been elected Vicar of St. Leonard's, the contested parish in Bilston, by a vote of 2,195 to 756. Mr. Lee...

Consols were on Friday 911 to 911 (ex. dlr.).

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MR. LOWE AT HIS BEST. Mr. Lowe really grappled with

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his subject, and grappled with it in a spirit that the House felt was not contemp- tuous, but bent on engendering conviction. Instead of tossing a new and obviously questionable...


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THE CRISIS AT VERB MLLES. I 7 there is one form of government worse than another, it is the despotism of a small individuality under Republican forms, and that is the...

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O F all eminent French personages, perhaps the least known is the one who, as the half of Europe believes, is about to be called to ascend the throne of France. Fairly rich,...

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T HE Daily News of Tuesday asserts that the Nonconformist Electors are all but alienated from the Government, and intimates that it will be generous in them if they do not allow...


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T HE sailors in the Queen's Navy are very good. The sailors in the Merchants' Navy are very bad. That seems to be the general result of the interesting debate raised by Mr....

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T UESDAY week, the 30th of May, 1871, marks an epoch in Austrian history of the most momentous kind. Since February last, when the ministry of Count Hohenwarth succeeded the...

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T HE wail addressed to the Daily News on Tuesday concerning the impossibility of getting female servants to live in the country is by no means the isolated complaint of a...

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O UR contemporaries have scarcely, we think, caught the meaning of General Trochu's recent remark about the effect of "English luxury and Italian corruption" upon the people of...

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I T may interest some people to know what Heine, the most gifted of recent Germans, on whom, according to Mr. Matthew Arnold, fell the cloak of Goethe, thought, felt, and pre-...

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XXVII.—CHARLES A MONG all the English Sovereigns there is no instance of a popular favourite to whose memory such injustice has been done intellectually as it has to the...

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THE STATE OF PARTIES AT VERSAILLES. [FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] Versailles. CAx there be any scene more full of curious matter for thought than the sight of Versailles in...

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[FROM A CORRESPONDENT.] Berlin, 5th .June, 1871. WE have just had here an occasion in which students of philo- sophy in Britain must feel interest. On Saturday a Festival was...

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THE ROYAL ACADEMY. [SECOND NOTICE.] THE most complete of Mr. Leighton's pictures is certainly his. " Cleobulus instructing his Daughter Cleobuline " (1,118). The father is...


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CHURCH AND STATE. [TO THE EDITOR Or ma "SPECTIT0S.1 SIR,-1 feel so deeply indebted to Mr. Maurice for the light whicIr he has cast on almost every subject which I have had...

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THE HYMN OF (ANCIENT) MAN. A SONG AFTER SUNSET. Have ye known me at last for your father, 0 children of bimanows brood ? Come turn and be dutiful rather than foster your...

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(" The foreman of the jury asked the Sedge if he would adjourn over Wednesday_ Several jurymen had important business to transact on that day, and had formed important...

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DANIEL MACLISE.* IT is not altogether Mr. O'Driscoll's fault that we learn so little about Maclise from the pages of this volume. We cannot indeed accept the excuse put forward...

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A PLANTER'S VIEW OF INDIA.* WE have here two very

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readable volumes, written with great liveliness and verve, furnishing, moreover, abundant matter for serious thought to all who feel an interest in the beneficent development of...

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THE SUEZ CANAL.* IT is but a year and a

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half since the opening of the Suez Canal ; but already that peaceful celebration is thrown back into a far past, seen as though it were a sunlit vision on the other side of a...

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JOHN KEBLE.* THE " Gleanings " collected in Miss Yonge's

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volume form a grate- ful addition to Sir J. Coleridge's memoir of the Church poet of England. The impression we have already received of Keble is confirmed by these affectionate...

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THE SILENT PARTNER.* IT is profoundly interesting to see the

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social and economical ques- tions which have been settled, or, perhaps, we should rather say compromised, among us, reappearing in the kindred community on the other side of...


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in this month's Blackwood is a criticism on Dickens, written with a good deal of subtlety and genuine insight into that great humourist. Why it has happened to Dickens to be so...

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The Book to Teach you how to be Rich, {Vise,

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and Good. By the Oldest School Inspector. (Joseph Bentley).—We cannot do better than add the rest of the title, which describes this volume as "designed to show all parents,...


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Dryden. Elited by W. D. Christie, MA. (Clarendon Press Series.) —We noticed at length in the course of last year Mr. Christie's com- plete edition of the poetical works of...

tion, always showing a mastery of the original, is less

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disfigured by Germanisms than the earlier portion of his work, hopes that Dr. Cortina' " History " will be completed in five volumes. We can only hope that a book so valuable...

By Birth a Lady. By George M. Fenn. 3 vols.

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(Tinsley.)—Mr. Fenn describes himself as the author of " Mad." "Mad," we remember, but more by its outward appearance, which, with this one word in star- ing letters, was wild...

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We have to mention another volume of an exceedingly interesting

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and valuable work, Illustrated Travels. Edited by H. W. Bates. (Cassell and 0o.)—The object of the publication is better described by its second title, "A Record of Discovery,...