9 MARCH 1839, Page 9

The lessee of the St. James's having announced in addition

to his " forest of wild animals," a " wilderness of monkies," dogs, and goats, YATES, determined at any rate to anticipate the monkeyana, caught hold of the first wandering Italian in the monkey line, clapped his long-tailed favourites into smart new dresses, and put them on the Aeelphi stage ; which, with its Giant and Jim Crow, though lions and tigers it has none, is as good an epitome of Bartholomew Fair as the most devoted admirers of bestial exhibitions can desire.

The Quadrumanous corps dranultique certainly surpass the quadru- peds, and almost rival some biped performers in docility and adroit- ness; for, under the personal superintendence of the stage-director, who prompts his protg6s in audible broken-English, aided by the signifi- cant display of a horsewhip, they ape humanity with an edifying un- consciousness of the ludicrous figures they cut.

First, a little fellow, in nil court costume, runs on with a roll of paper ; which being taken front him by the leader of the band, he runs off again. Then a couple appear seated on chairs ; and the cavalier, after replying with "nods and becks," and hideous grimaces in lieu of . "wreathed smiles," to certain inquiries of his trainer, scrapes on a toy- fiddle, flourishes a tiny sword, and performs other feats of mimicry-, in- cluding the process of "kicking," which he executes con a inure : the "lady" also shakes a tambourine, and jumps about helplessly to the orchestral accompaniment. A doll's dining-table is next brought ; and a third monkey, dressed as a cook, scampers to and fro with perplexed. alacrity, fetching things that are given to him ; and the two then pro- ceed to empty a little tin of victuals, and swallow the contents of a couple of plaything-bottles. Two others, dressed as a lady of fashion and livery servant, then run across the stage ; and as on the first night the shm alo representative of Jim Crow was indisposed—not theatrically, but really, as YaTs:s, who apologized for poor Jacko, impressed upon the audience—this was the whole of the performance : had it been ex- hibited at a penny-show, it would have been well enough in its way. What are we to have next in the zoological way on the stage ? Is it to be the Learned Pig "Toby" or not Toby? or will our old street- acquaintance the Dancing-bear reappear on the scene? The "Indus-

trious Fleas" are unfortunately too minute to be visible ; but we are not without expectation of seeing the "Gnome Flea" advertised to take "a tremendous leap from the gallery to the stage." And when the whole round of the animal kingdom is run, there still remain the " lignum- vitro Roscius" Mr. Punch and his company ; and the puppet-performers

of " Le Petit Lazari ;" not to mention the waxwork automata of Signor GAGLIARDI. The mania for monstrosities must have its way: and since the public taste as yet shows no signs of disgust, we devoutly wish the prevailing appetite may be satiated as quickly as possible. So, " 'Wel- come to London, goats and monkies," say we.