9 MARCH 1839, Page 7

P S T.

datt.j.1 Ili of .Iatitt tvae raceivtal this morning

feetat Boellety. We tttlse from the .. the Col ing items of news-- III ofe very stedsfeteor:.. description.

" 'file letters from Tatta. tl:e - the B of the . taken place in the disposition of the Al'211.;:1 Even o. Mt de- : fender it' thoo.;z1: rescn ,, . tt :- :.7•1 iv ti:,. of tApt,:lizion in support : ,h-,1- has Eng-lama lttt Mins:: ;tee- akenesert.',1 eed te' the elettaa. o,.-pars a Mr. ii;rnierly ,;,' i;e; Arm..., A 'was enr,:orxr.; . 2 Of '•`41. ■11' C'!;t21' 711, „: Ma.

immmed. and in loner ev.trt- thin;_r in i;', t; • to t'o.; ' fmg to

I:and:dun' in such a yin; iiti;in ot l.felice a; :nay make I'd m. it' ; ;.;rly• de-

, f,ral,..], nearly imprt-:;n:Cnie t;i our of the. :I' :It 11, ,T.11'0•1 tt: • !•; CaSCS II". • 11114 :`,07110 ' 'I '-1014551 ! Bels.,..,eLy: shot It'y the sentins: et:itionet: sit tits' S. ! •ozintier- of Catrinin Duff, had lt..ea C eaal t Oat': et:ea:eel


" .kt Niad;•a,. ...11 r5..7217: I :"'mi Caleutt.,• front Bnr:o:Ot of a wat.illte Or:Tact, r it e•ir,:.;;•;:mee it •' wen.. ordered to be Rut acies,s with all peeeld.: :eve a (tem: ant .c !..t.teme• yltie I-.C•NWS.•
