9 MARCH 1839, Page 7


Scandal has been busy about the Palace precincts. It has been rumoured that the Queen inflicted personal chastisement on one of her Ladies of the Bedchamber, for :mum trifling feult ; end that the lady in .question, Miss Davys, left the Palace in conseenteme. But Miss Davys is still at the Palace, and the ramour is contradicted. Another story is, that her Majesty hearing some evil report—a violent flirtation with a Court physician—of a lady who attends upon the Dutelless of Kent. commanded her to remain in her own chamber ; that the fair prisoner complained to her brother, a noble marquis that the brother demanded investigation, and would not be put off by the Premier's promise to make up the quarrel; that the result huts beon the restoration of the Italy to freedom and favour. We hare heard no contradiction of the latter story ; nor of another, in whielt the Queen, her mother, and the Duke of Wellington figure.

Mr. M`Neil, the British Envoy to the Court of Persia, arrived in London on Sunday, having travelled via St. Petersburg.

Mr. Colley Grattan, the author of Highways and Byways," has been appointed to the office of British Consul at Boston, in the United States.

Lord Ebrington has selected for his Private Secretary Captain Romilly, of the Guards, son of the late Sir Samuel Romilly. Mr. Matthew Forteseue, a relation, is to be the Lord-Lieutenant's " State Steward.''

Mr. Carew Mint, our late Consul at Arehaneel, has been appointed. to the British CousnIshio at the A zit, e, : Si Mr. Joha William Lar-

kins proceeds in the same fnipariry t

The Bishop of Bangor has int-lei:ea 1 :lea :here is en truth in the

account circulated of his haying ete:est oiler. Intele to him by the • Government, of the Bishoer:e

A statement that Sir Geor„:.e lit);,,1 oll'er of eonducling the Norwich festival. • the on1-2 :11.lm which the .11ntin.rers of the Feetivel :0 on the suhleet having been that unaniinons one by which Mr. Edweri Taylor was appointed the amtinctor.—Merning 'Cosmic/O.