Z.71n court.
Tint Queen held a Court and Privy Council on Monday afternoon, at Buckingham Palace. The Speech to be delivered at the opening of Parliament was finally settled ; and her Majesty pricked the list for the Sheriffs of the year. Sir James ltivett Comae had a farewell au- dience previously to his departure for Bombay. The Queen gave audiences to Viscount Melbourne, Lord Holland, the Earl of Minto, and the Earl of Albemarle.
In the evening., the Queen went to Drury Lane Theatre. Her 3la- jesty was attended by the Marchioness of Tavistock, Miss Murray-, Lady Harriet Clive. Lord 'Alford, Mr. Charles Murray, Sir Robert Otway, and Colonel Wemyss.
On Tuesday, the Queen went in state to open the session of Par- liament. Considerable crowds lined the route, but the cheers were feeble and few.
Her Majesty visited Covent Garden Theatre in the evening ; attended by the Marchioness of Tavistoek, Miss Spring Rice, the Earl of Fin- gal], 31ajor Keppell, and Colonel Wemyss.
Viscount M4bourne had au audience of the Queen on Wednesday morning, and dined with her Majesty in the evening.
The Queen held a Court.at Buching,lmia Palace on Thursday, and received the Addresses of the Lords and Commons in the usual form.
Viscount Melbourne had an audience of her Majesty, and in the even- ing Viseount Melbourne and Mr. Ring dined at the Palace.
The Lord Chamberlain has issued notices, that the Queen will hold Levees at St. James's Palace on Wednesday the 20th instant and Wed- nesday the fith of March, at two o'clock.