The Dunlop, from eteereoet to 5■.11■..y, was totally wrecked in Table Bay, Cape or Good !lope, on Ow 28th I Noy. CreW ;1E4 1,1...l1.1.01's saved. Arched—At Deal, 7th, Allattro.s, WeAmorelatol, from Van Dienien's Laud; and Minerva, Ireland, front M.elras. Off Ila,tings, 7th, Anna Robertson, Hamilton, from China. Off Ea,tb.,urtte, 8th, Recovery, 1llhaS011, front Bengal. At Portsmouth, 8t1t, EliZnileth Walker, Crawford, front At Cowes, 7th, Falcon. M'itP11111, Font China. At the Cape, Dec. 211, WI/OW:ILI, from Liverpool; 14th, Marion,
M'Cartby ; Perfect, Snell ; Silt, Sarah, Dawmat ; Byron ; au I liirktuatt
Scutt, from 1,0111101I; and tot to, nolo Cork; 61.11, Nh■je...tie, Williamson, from London; St It, Andromache, New, front ditto; and Dope steatm.r from Cork ; oad 9th, City of Aberdeen, M,Inro, from Liverpool. At Mattritioi, Oct. 27th, "Lou, Holmes, from Liverpool; and Nov. 7th, Si. George, Crawthrd, front the Clyde.
Sailed--From Gravemnal, Feb. 3.1, 'flionias Cuatts, Wart...1 . trout Bombay; and
S. Detinktott, Barker, 6,r ditto. From Litvrpool, 21, W. Sh.ople.,s, McLellan, from 'Bombay; and 5th, Mary Somerville, Dookey, fur Bengal.