9 DECEMBER 1837, Page 2

The foreisn intelligence this week possesses little interest. The chief

subject of conversation in Paris is a quarrel between ODIL- LON BARROT and MAUGUIN ; the origin of which seems to have been a declaration of the latter that BARROT was about to form an alliance with TRIERS. BARROT protested against the suppo- sition, as injurious to his character, and accused MsuGuiN of a design to supplant him as leader of the Opposition. The Minis- terial journalist and the Doctrinaires are well pleased with this quarrel between two such distinguished Liberals. The French in Africa have already got into a dispute with the Bey of Tunis. An Arab escaping from the hands of justice took refuge with the French Consul ; from whose residence he was carried off by the Tunisian police ; and the Consul being refused satisfaction for the violation of his right to protect criminals, re- tired on board a French vessel in the harbour. There will be no lack of such circumstances as these to afford the French a pre- text for extending their influences, if not their absolute dominion, in Africa.