9 APRIL 1836, Page 21


WAR-OFFICE, April 8.-lot Regt. Life Guards-Staff Assist.-Stirg. A. Campbell to be Assist.-Surg. vice F. Goodwin, who retires upon half pay. lot Regr. Dragoon G nerdsCapt. J. A. Whierker, from the half-pay Unattached, to be Capt. vice J. B. Morris. who exchanges. 2d Regt. Dragoon Guards-W. S. Wilkinson. Gent, to he Cornet, by purchase. vice Ricketts, who retires. 4th Regt. Dragoon Guards-Cornet G. II. Eliot to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Holdsworth, who retires; G. Itochfort, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase. vice Eliot. 11th Regt. Light Dragoons-Sergeant W. Belson to be Regimental Quartermaster, vice Henderson, deceased. 13th Regt. Light DragoonsAssist..Surg. P. Brodie, from the 13th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Stephenson. promoted in the 51t1t Foot, Scots Fusileer Guards-M. 1'. Drummond, Gent. to be Emden and Lieut, by purchase, vice Wahlegraee, who retires. 3d Foot-Ensign C. Sawyer. to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Peel, who retires ; C. J. Foster, Gent, to be Ensign by purchase, vice Strayer. 4th FootLieut, E.1 Rican'. from the 2c1 West Indian Beet. to be Lieut. vice A. Lousdale, who retires upon half pay of the 84th Regt. of Foot. 131h Foot-G. W. Barnes, NI. D. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Brodie, appointed to the 13th Light Dragoons. 17th Foot-M. Perfect. Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Kelly, promoted. 54th Foot -Assist.-Surg. T. G. Stephenson, M.D. from the 13th Light Dragoons, to be Surg. vice Cl. Hamilton, who retires upon halt-pay. 60th FootSecond Lieut. G. II. Courtenay to be First 1.ieut. by purchase, vice Eversley, who retires ; C. S. Cochrane, Gent, to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Courtenay. 71st Foot-Ensign A. Levinge tube Lieut. by purchase, vice Pack, who retires ; G. Dance, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Levinge. 89th Foot-Lieut. A. Hay. to be Capt. by purchase, vice Ilawkiu, w ho retires ; Ensign J. W. Crowdey to be Lieut. by purchase, vice hay; II. Etinittuds, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Crowdy.