On Monday morning, the quarterly sale of teas by the
East India Company commenced at the India House. The declaration amounted to 8,400,0031b., being 100A101b. more than was offered at the June sale. The quantities of the different descriptions offered are as fol, low —Bohea, 2,000,000lb. ; Congou, Campoi Pekoe, and Souchong, 5,0150,000lb. ; Twankay and Hyson Skin, 1,10400lb. ; and of Hyson, 300,0001b. The increase in the declaration in Boheas is 200,0001b., while in the other descriptions there is a decrease of 100,000Ib. The attendance at the sale on Monday was numerous, and the biddings were animated.
During the past week, there were two public wool sales. The wools received from Australia and Van Dieman's Land are rapidly improving in quality' and there was an evident disposition in the dealers to purchase. The sales took place on Thursday and Friday : 1,700 bales were offered, and all were sold. Of the New South Wales wools offered on Thursday, a portion were sold at 2s. VA. per lb. The quotations obtained on both days averaged from 2d. to -3d. per lb. higher than at those of the sales in July. In the whole, 1,523 bales of New South Wales wools and 164 bales of Van Dieman's Land, were disposed of. The arrivals from Australia and Van Dieman's Land, as well as from Germany, have been large; and further sales have been declared, amounting already to nearly 2,000 bales.