REVEREND SYDNEY SMITII.—This celebrated writer and orator "read in" on
Sunday last as one of the residentaries of St. Paul's Cathedral.
Loan WALDEGRAYE.—This nobleman, an opponent of the Reform Bill, resigned his place as Lord of the Bedchamber on Tuesday. On Wednesday the King appointed Lord Lilford, a friend to the Bill, in his place. POPULATION OF SCOTLAND.—By the late census, the population of Scotland is 2,365,700; being an increase since 1821 of 272,244.—Was. gow Chronicle. AN Tam Canartcx.-Whilst Paganini was performing at Limerick on Monday night, a part of the flooring of the orchestra gave way, and frightened all, but hurenone.
A LmEnaL MINISTni.-We understand that a number of clerks in the Government Offices have left town to support the Anti-Reform candidate in Dorsetshire. Can liberality be carried further ?-Morning Chronicle. Why are they not turned out ?-Times. Why ?-Spectator.