8 NOVEMBER 1834, Page 9


Arrived—Off Margate, Nov. 6th. Parsee, McKellar, from Bengal. At Deal, 6th, Palambam, Willis, from Bombay ; Horatio, Arnold, from Madras ; Enchantress, soar; and Persian. Mallard, from New South Wales; Curler, Hunter ; Fame, Alderson; and Clarance, Blair. from Van Diemen's Land. At Liverpool. lst,Georgiana, Thompson, from China. At St. Helena, Aug. 30th, Lord ITobart, Harrington, from Ple Cape. At Madras, May 19th. Robarts, Wake ; 24th. Claudine. Walker: 25th, lanasa, Towle ; June 5th, Alfred, Tapley ; 8th, Barossa, Reeves ; 9th, La Belle Al- liance. Arkoll ; 10th, Asia, Bathie ; and Recovery. Wellbauk, all from London. At Ilengal, May 30th, Syeed Kahn, Griffiths; and Adelaide, Guthrie, from London. At Tau Diemen's Land, May 23rd, Duckenfield, Riddle, from London; Jessie, Traupe. Pam Liverpool ; Isabella. Robertson, from Leith ; and Cheviot. McAlpine, from tie Clyde. At New South Wales, March 14th, Clarance, Blair ; 19th, James, Harris ; APtil 5th, Industry, Dawson; and Sovereign. Baker, all from London; Harriett, Rhode, Enna Liverpool ; and Eldon, Mc Alpine, from the Clyde.