8 JULY 1843, Page 20


Ma. BURFORD, who not long since opened a pavilion in Leicester Square where the visiter looks down on Baden-Baden and its gayeties, now enables the stay-at-home traveller to take a peep at the Rhine, from that turn of this romantic river where the dark stream of the Moselle first tinges its yellow waters, which here pour their ample volume between the city of Coblentz and the rock of Ehrenbreitstein. The view is taken from the river, close to the right bank, directly facing Coblentz; the fortress of Ehrenbreitstein towering from the rocky heights rising immediately behind the spectator. From this point we look up and down the Rhine for a very considerable distance, and also get a glimpse of the bridge over the Moselle. There is nothing very attractive in the formal range of hotels, relieved only by the steeples of two or three old churches, and fronted by a loopholed wall, which this aspect of Coblentz presents; and Ehrenbreitstein comes so near the eye that its stupendous size and elevation are not sufficiently apparent : to comprehend its full grandeur, this renowned and picturesque fortress should be seen from the neighbouring heights. These principal features, however, viewed in conjunction with the wide and winding river—its vine-clad slopes and castled crags melting into the distance, and its surface alive with a crowd of picturesque RhineTboals—form a .varied and beautiful scene ; which Mr. BURFORD has depicted with the full power of his practised pencil. The bridge of boats, which is setting adrift a few of its buoyant piers to open a passage to one of those floating islands the timber-rafts, with its living freight, is a striking feature in the view ; and the groups on the shore and in the vessels are characteristic and lively.

The pictorial effects are skilfully managed : the frowning masses of the rocky fortress, and the contiguous houses, are of a sober tone, mellowed by reflected lights, which contrast with the lively colours of the groups, and increase the sonny brightness and atmospheric clearness of the open country. Regarded as a piece of colouring merely, the picture is pleasing to the eye ; which may rest with satisfaction upon any one point, or take in the whole at a glance ; so artfully are the different effects blended together. The execution is bold and masterly ; exhibiting careful finish, and a depth and brilliancy of tone worthy of easel-painting.