Father Damy k the famous convert. from Catholicism) has just
made a public acknowledgment of his mist misdeeds, and prayed to be received back into the bosom of the Roman Catholic Church. On Sunday last, Mr. Campbell, one of the Roman Catholic clergymen of Belfast, stated to the congregation, in the old chapel, that Mr. Delatiy had lately arrived in Belfast ; that he had caught fever ; that he had since stated to Mr. Campbell, that he felt constrained to confess, that his recent conduct bad been influenced by mercenary motives ; that he deeply repented of what be had done, and would endeavour by his future conduct, if God spared him, to make amends for what was past, and particularly for the scandal which he had endeavoured to bring on the Catholic Church ; and, finally, that be had requested Mr. Campbell to make this public statement from the altar. It is not worth while to say more about this ill-fated being.—Northern Whig. A murderous attack on some Catholic peasantry was made by a party of Orangemen in Monaghan, on Wednesday evening last week-- the eve of Sr. John. A letter in the Morning Chronicle gives these particulars- ." Twelve young persons were seated near a bonfire on the mountain of Mullyash, in the county of Monaghan, laughing and conversing together after the toil of the day. The greater number of those present were children. Some men approached, hut not close enough to be distinguished ; and having surveyed the merry group for some minutes from a higher pal t of the moon- tam, poured a murderous volley in upon them. Two lads, Michael and Peter Devine, of the respective ages of twenty and ten, were shot dead ; and two others, their brothers, aged fourteen au I fifteen, wounded, one of them dan- gerously. The assassins then disappearol ; and I grieve to say, that as yet the guilt of this mast devilish deed has not been traced to any one. The master of an Orange Lodge and his servant are in custody on suspicion. In the house of the former, two stands of arms and a dagger were discovered, which were in his possession without being registered."