The demand for money, to which we last week alluded, still continues; and will, doubtless, until the payment of the Dividends, which will be in course to-morrow and succeeding days. The amount of bullion in the country has been augmented by the arrival, in the course of the week, of nearly 400,0001. of gold from St. Petersburg ; and the influx of the precious metals must continue while the present rates of Exchange are maintained. There is consequently every reason to believe that we have got over the worst. The books of the various descriptions of Stock, the Dividends upon which have become due, are now open for private transfer ; and the money transactions in these Funds, which have been suspended since the beginning of June, recom- menced yesterday. There appears no disposition among the great Stockholders to sell, no large amounts of Stock having been brought to market : on the con- trary, the aggregation of small investments seems, by causing a demand for Stock, to have given a tone to the market, which has improved about per cent. The demand for money has kept down the premium of Exchequer Bills; and these securities were till yesterday heavy at the quotations of last week, but are higher to-day. The official return of the Revenue, published yesterday, has not produced any bad effect upon the Public Funds ; as the general expres. sion in the City has been one of surprise that the falling off has not been more .considerable. The amount applicable to the purposes of the Sinking Fund for the nest three months, is 468,891/. la. 3d. ; as will he seen by the following notice, which has been issued from the National Debt Office.
'' The Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, having certified to the Cont. missioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, in pursuance of the net of 10th George IV. C. 27. sec. L that the actual surplus revenue of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. beyond the actual expenditure thereof, fur the year curling 5th April 1837, amounted to the RUT of 1.662.11211U5s. 7d.
that the sum of one-fourth part of the nail surplus 1,9U " The Commissioners for the lietInction of the National 82D3e111111. 7edrehjingii,vueantlitida: under the provisions of the said act, between the 7th July 1837 and xthle6510,7i0h501e6tobe; 1837, to the following purposes.
To be applied to the purchase of stock
„ „ to the purchase of Exchequer Bills, made out in put, imam of the Act 57th George III. chap. 43 300,000 0 0 16 4 Add interest receivable on account ot donations and berriests to he applied to the purchase of stock 3,275 4 11 465,775 .£463.981 1 3, In the Foreign Market, the business transacted has been on a very trifling scale. Spanish Stock has, however, declined 1 per cent., in consequence of the successful passage of the Ebro by the Carlist forces. Portuguese Bonds have improved nearly in the same proportion ; the Government at Lisbon having succeeded in raising the means of paying the Dividend on the Three per Cent. Stock, and also satisfied some engagements which it had entered into for the purpose of providing money to pay the late Dividend upon the Five per Cents.; 111 both of which it was confidently predicted that it would fail ; a &mud has also arisen for the Portuguese Bonds of 182:3, which have been ilone at 71. The other European Stocks have continued, without much variation, at our last prices.
There has been some excitement in the South American markets ; and several transactions have occurred in Peruvian Bonds, a description of stock which has not lately been current, in consequence of a notice having appeared from the Consul-General of Peru, stating that in future the bonds will he re. ceived in payment of one-third of the amount of all customs and duties payable by shipping in the Peruvian ports. The promulgation of this document caused a rise of more than 5 per cent, in the price (lithe stock. Doubts have, however, since been cast upon its validity ; and although these have been re. moved, it still appears that the terms of it were incorrect ; and a second notice has been issued, from which we extract all that relates to the Bonds. The price of the stock has consequently receded, and is now nearly as low as on Saturday last. "1st. By a decree of the Government, the Anglo Peruvian Bonds are admitted to the extent of two-thirds in payment for all public properties, lauds, and luttises in Peru the remaining third to be paid in cash. " 2d. The Anglo-Peruvian Bonds to be admitted to the extent of onmlifth In the payment of duties at the Permliolivian ports. "3d. Vessels touching at any port of the Pacific before entering the Pern.Bolivian ports, are subjected to a second duty, equal to the first ; which second duty is admitted to the full amount to be paid in every description of Peruvian Bowls."
A reaction has occurred in the Railway Share-market, and some of the higher. priced shares have fallen considerably. The impulse which was last week given to the various Brighton Shares, has also died away ; and the prices of them are generally lower, and the transactions for the last two or three days have been unimportant; it being considered doubtful whether any bill will be obtained this session of Parliament.
No business but that of imperative necessity will be transacted in the City to-morrow, the day of the Royal funeral. The various public offices will be either wholly or partially closed; the Royal Exchange will he close shut during the whole day ; at the Bank of England, the only business transacted in the Stock department will be the payment of the Dividends ; the Stock Exchange will be closed at two o'clock ; and all the means which circumstances permit will be adopted by the citizens, to testify their respect for our departed King.
The issue of money consequent upon the payment of the Dividends, has given a tone to the Money Market, and English Securities generally arc in demand. There has not been any transactions for money in stock, 88 no transfer can be made to-day at the Bank. Some considerable purchases of Exchequer Bills have occurred, and smell (1001.) bills have been done at 42 prem., which is an improvement of .95. upon the highest price of yesterday. Intelligence has to-day been received from New York, to the 16th tilt., which describes an improve- ment in commercial affairs, and brings a higher quotation of the exchange. hi the Foreign Market, scarcely any business has occurred, and the prices quoted must be considered as nearly nominal. The Railway Shares are all at yesterday's quotations. 3 per Cent. Consols 921 4 Brarilinn 5 per Cents. 94 Dam for Account 921 * Dutch 24 per Cents 5:24 3 per Cent. Reduced 911 Danis h 73 ew 34 per Cent. Anna 985 Port uguese Regency 5 p. Cts. 434 4 N Batik Stock 2094 Ditto 3 per Cent 274 8 Italia Stork 2534 1111PM:111 ( 1$22 ) 5 per Cent 1084 Exchequer Bills 3398442157n:: 1811,,Itliii.,e1:d1(141 Sit Stock 5 191 71 8 Ditto Bonds per Cent... 214 2
54 Belgian 5 per Cents