M. BURGOS still remains Minister of the Interior under the
new order of things in Spain. It is said that MARTINEZ DE LA ROSA considers him as by far too able and energetic a man to be spared in the present state of affairs. Count TORENO has departed from Madrid to Santarem, to require from MIGUEL the expulsion of -Don CARLOS from Portugal. A commission has been appointed to inquire into the state of the public debt, which has given rise to rumours respecting the acknowledgement of the Cortes loans. QUESADA, having been nominated Governor of Biscay and Navarre, is proceeding with vigour against the insurgents. ZE A BERMUDEZ is seen every day promenading on the Prado at Madrid, and attracts much attention. He is represented as looking remarkably well, and free from care. A slight disturbance had taken place at Malaga.