Tuesday, August 4.
Reece and Mellon. NIanylirster, brieltilyers —Bonier,' awl Vernal& Worcester, tallow-chandlers-R. and M. Camtn, Stroud, ehwkmakers-W. and '1'. Parker. Birmingham, refiners --Roberts and Truman. Manchester, cotton dealers-Roose and Dart, Liverpool, general commission merchants —sdraker and Charnley. Liverpool. merchants -Arrowsmith and Co. Oldham. cotton spinners-Walker als1 Howarth. Manchester, coachmakers -Harden and Sheppard. Manchester. mine-merchants-It. J., and J.. Rostrum Manchester. packers -Jaques and Leach. Kenton Street, Bloom:bury. letterpress printers-Stainton and Slight, Skitheek, Lincolnshire. bricklayers -W ade and Co. K i ngstott-ta ponii all, t imbeptnerellants-Bisset and H amilton, Birkenhead. teachers -Hubbard and Thompson, Nestgate Market, salesmen-Dowell and Dale. Bristol. hatmanufacturers —Shatter awl shergold. Cirencester, wine merchants-Ainsworth and Co. Manchester. flaunehmannfacturers-Trill and Bull. Deverell Street. Dover Road, cowkeepers-Williams and Woolrich, Stroud, %%wilco drapers-Bailey arid Co. Edinburgh, 51tillothian glassNorks-Riehmaud and Trinder, Hackney Road, sae yers—E. and S. Spurgiu, Sudbury, innkeepers.
A DA.Msorr, TRAVERS, Liverpool, commission agent, Aug. 3. BLACKLOCK, WILLIAM, Manchester, miner. Aug. 3, BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED.
WARREN, Joins WITTEWRONGE, Blandfunl, draper.
AMIE% JAMEs, 1111e, Yorkshire, clutlemanufacturer, to surrender Aug. 7. Sept. 15: solicitors, Mr. Blackburn, Leeds; and Messrs. Stratigway es and Walker, Barnard's Inn.
PARKER, GEORGE, Illy:Dim Ferrers, Nod-maker. Aug. 14, Sept. 15 : solicitors, Messrs. Brooking and Surr, Lom ard Street ; official assignee, Mr.'Turquaud, Copthall Court.
STELeox, JosEpH, Nlancliester,, Aug. 15, Sept. 15: solicitors, Messrs. Ilagshaw and Stevenson, Manchester; and Messrs. Johnson and NVeatherall, Temple, DIVIDENDS.
Aug. 25, Birnie, Basingstoke, wharfinger-A lie. 25, Forbes, Mark Lane, wine-merchant -Aug. 25. Ityrehmore, Caddington, Hertfordshire, fanner —Aug. 26, G., W., and G. Manwarittg. York Place, Lainbet II, engineers-Aug. 26. Billinge, St. Na ithin's Lane, victualler-Sept. 14, Hodgson, Manchester. vietealierSept. 14, Idle, ManCliester, fishmonger—Sept. 14, Southern. Manchester. int:keeper-Aug. 28. Hancock, Willoughby, Warwickshire. butcher -Aug. 25, Coulthard, Westward, Cumberland, cattle dealer —r Aug. 31, Pugh, New Town, Montgomery, iromnonger-Sept. 8. Robinson, Whitehaven. bookseller-Aug. '16, Woollionse, Sheffield. cutler-Aug. 25, Wilson, Ilesham, Northumberland. saddler -Aug. 25. Ito.len; Manchester, hair dresser-Sept. 3. Horroeks, Liverpool, corn-miller -Sept. 2, De Llano and ROI. Liverpool, tnerchauts--Ang. 26. Davies, Llandovery, Ca rmarthenshire, grocer -Sept. 2, Worral and Co. Bristol, bankers.
CERTIFICATES To be granted. unless rouse be shown to the contrary, an or before Aug. 25. Park, Bury St. Edmund's, leather-cutter-Gonlon, Holt/orb, linendraper -Chew, Manchester. manufacturing-chemist —Wootten, Birchiugton, Kent, grocer—Brodribb, Bristol, grocer. seinen sEouEsERAT1ONS.
CHAT.MERS, HECTOR, Dumfries, spirit-merchaut, Aug. 13, 28.
noon, Joins, Glasgow, manufacturer. Aug. 11.26. SHAW, ALEXANDER, Blantyre, victualler, Aug. 7, 21.
Friday, August 7.
Roberts and Co. Kingston-upon-Hull, merchants—Woodward and Co., Birmingham. japauners—Williams, and Co. Holywell Street, Shoreffiteli. linendrapers —Travis and Leake, Prestwich-Clough. near Manchester, bleachers-Crossley and Co. Manchester, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards J. Crossley :-Loughtian anti Penfold, Madeira-C. and G. Cowthard, Deptford, bakers-1 tall and Chaniell. Nevvark-upon.Trent, maltsters -Green and Russell, Long Acre, bridle-catters Taylor and Russell, New Bond Street. tailors-Martin and Richards. Liverpool, brewers -Bragg anti Allen, apping, stoueonerchauts-W. and J. Rhodes, Fountain Court, Strand-West and Co. Windle. Lancashire, coal proprietors ; as far as regards J. U. West-J. J. and 'I'. Mellor, Liverpool. wine-dealersPhelps. and Timing. Warminster, enemies —Chatfield and Heston, Pulburough, Sussex. teachers— Litelsell and Long, Chatteris, Isle or Ely, brewers.
MARcHANT, ROBERT, Cavendish Square, silversmith, Aug. 4. SEAOER, J. Sluice 'louse, Hornsey, victualler, Aug. 5.
BEARD, senior. THOMAS, Loughope, Gloucestershire. victualler, to surrender Aug. 25, Sept. 18: solicitors, Mr. Curdle, Iiewent ; and Messrs. Webber and Bland, Bedford Row, BECK, PETER, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, grocer, Aug. 2';'. Sept. 18: solicitors, Mr. Iliteheock, Manchester ; and Messrs. Johnson and tVeatherall, Temple.
BURDEKIN„ IlAiscocK, Sheffield, knife-manufacturer, Aug. 24, Sept. 18: solicitors, Messrs. Brookfield and Gould, Sheffield; and Mr. Preston, Tokenhouse Yard. CRosToN, junior, Timm AS, Liverpool, painter, Sept. 3, 18: solicitors, Mr. Toultnin, Liverpool ; and Messrs. Norris and Co.. Great Ormond Street. EAOLSTON, BENJAMIN, Town Mailing, Kent, tailor, Aug. 11 Sept. 18 : solicitors, Mr. Willinett, Rochester ; and Mr. Fisher, Guilford Street ; official assignee, Mr. Whit. more, Basingliall StreeL FRoon. Timm ss, Plymouth. ironmonger. Aug. 21, Sept. 18: solicitors, Mr. Edmonds, Plymouth ; and Mr. Mantle, Great Sorry Street, London. GREENWOOD, Jot's, Leeds. missieseller, Aug. 14, Sept. 18: solicitor, Mr. Theobald, Thavie's Inn, Holborn ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street.
DUCHIES, WILLIAM HENRY, POrismOlith, HUB-merchant, Aug. 20, Sept. 18: solicitors, Messrs, caitaway awl Hellanl. Portsmouth; aunt Messrs. Wimburu and Collett, Chancery Lane. Wirsre Joust, Warminster, cabinet. maker. Aug. 24. Sept. 18: solicitors, MrChairman, Warminster; and Messrs. Holtne arid Co. New Inn.
Aug. 28, Rodbard and Massina, schoolmasters-Aug. 29, Jarman, West
Smithfield, woollendraiwr-Aug. 29, White, Finsbury Square. merchant-Aug. 29. Simpson and Windros, Bishopsgate Street, linendrapersAug. 29. Creak and Co. Rotherhithe, mast-makers-Aug. 29. Brown and Co. New Broad Street, merchantsAug. 28. Leek and Money. Berners Street. dyers—Aug. 29. Raikes, London Wall. merehant -Aug. 31. Hancock senior. Willoughby. butcher-Sept. 4, Herbert, Brynmatt, B:eCOI1Shirt, gr. cur—Avg O. King, Basingstoke, tea-dealer—Aug. 29, Tarrant,
ath.e ck, Somunetshire, coachmaker—Aug. 31, Philips. Bristol, vitriol-maker-Sept. 1, .1 tekson, Doncaster, grocer-Aug. 29. W. A. and A. Wood, Manchester, cottonmerchants-Aug. 31, M•Vicear and Tall, Liverpool, merchants—Aug. 28. Bowerman. Oxford, chemist-Aug. 29, Johnson, Gloucester. merchant -Sept. 4, Billow, Wakefield. manufacturerAug. 21, Brookes, Newport. Shropshire, scrivener-Aug. 19.
nook, Kingsuood II ill. Gloucestershire c 31, Motley, A rle Mill, Glouces. tershire, miller—Aug. 28, M'Carthy, Bristol, stationer.
Tin be granted, unless cause beshaws la the CO entry, on or ',fore Av. 28, Boast, County Terrace, New Kent Road, surgeon,