8 APRIL 1854, Page 20


WAR-OFFICE, April 4.-26th Foot-Major-Geo. P. Bainbrigge, C.B. to be Col vice Lieut.-Gen. Lord Seaton, G.C.B. removed to the 2d Life Guards. ' WAR-OFFICE, April 7.-5th Regt. of Drag. Guards-Lieut. R. T. Godman to be Adjt. vice Elliot, who resigns the Adjutantcy only; D. Woods, Gent- to be Assist.- Surg. vice D'Arcy, appointed to the Staff. 13th Light Drags.-W. Dumbreck. Gent. to be Assist.-Surg,. vice Woodman, promoted on the Staff. 1st Regt. of Foot-First Lieut. J. A. Campbell, from the Ceylon Regt. to be Lieut. vice W. F. Scott, appointed Paymaster 77th Foot. 3d Foot-Major D. G. Freer, from half-pay Unatt. to be Major, vice J. T. Airey, who exchanges ; Capt. C. W. Green to be Major, by pur- chase, vice Freer, who retires ; Lieut. C. Taylor to be Capt. by purchase, vice Green; Ensign J. B. Dennis to be Lieut. by purchase, viceTaylor ; F.A. alacreight, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Dennis. 17th Foot-Lieut. G. T. Brice to be Capt. by purchase, vice Dickson, who retires ; Ensign R. Swire to be Lieut. by purchase,. vice Brice; Second Lieut. G. S. Butler, from the 23d Foot, to be Ensign, vice Swire_ 21st Foot-Lieut, J. H. Dunne, from the 62d Foot, to be First Lieut. vice H. W.. Clerke, who exchanges ; Sorg,. 13. R. Mackinnon, from the Rifle Brigade, to be Stag. vice Fraser, appointed to the Rifle Brigade. 26th Foot-Lieut. R. W. Clerke lobe Capt. by pur. vice Nicholson, who retires ; Ensign T. William 11. Hutchinson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Clerke; L. S. King, Gent, to be Ensign, by pur. vice Hutchinson. 27th Foot-Brevet Major D. F. Longworth, from half-pay Unattached, to be Capt. vice Watson, who exchanges; Lieut. W. D. Phelps, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Longveorth, who retires; Ensign N. Barnardiston to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Phelips ; Sec. Lieut E. H. King, from the Ceylon itegt to be Ensign. vice Barrier& iston. 41st Foot-F. Kingscote, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Every, pro- moted. 49th Foot-J. Hannan, Gent. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Welt!, prom. in the 47th Foot. 60th Foot-Lieut. It. It. Adderley, from the 79th Foot, to be First Lieut. vice More, who exchanges. 621 Foot-Lieut. R. A. Cox to be Capt. without pur- chase, vice Hopkinson, dec.; Ensign B. T. Gilpin to be Lieut. without purchase, lice Cox; First Lieut. 11. tI. Clerke, from the 21st Foot, to be Lieut. vice Dunne, who exchanges; Gent. Cadet W. B. Davenport, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be En- sign, without purchase, vice Gilpin. 68th Foot-Lieut F. S. Savage to be Capt. by pur. vice Cassidy, whose prom, by pur. on the 10th March, has been cancelled. 75th Foot-Lieut. C. A. Daniell, from the 94th Foot, lobe Lieut. vice Priaulx, who excl. 79th Foot-First Lieut. W. Mure, from the 60th Foot, to be Lieut. Tice Adderley, who ex.; IL G. Monk, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice R. P. °twit), Lord Louth, who retires. 9411, Foot-Lieut. 0. de Lancey Priaulx, from the 75th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Daniell, who exchanges. 95th Foot-Quartermaster-Sergeant .1. Campbell to be Qua, termaster, vice W. Holt, who retires upon half-pay.

Rifle Brigade-Second Lieut. W. T. Markham to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Knight, who retires; Sorg. J. Fraser, M.D. from toe 21st Foot, to be Stag. Vice Mackinnon, appointed to the 21st Foot.

The Depot Battalion at Parkhurst Barracks-Capt. J. Chester, from the 85th Foot, to be Adjt; Paymaster H. B. Mackenzie, from half-pay 70th Foot, to be Paymaster; Quartermaster J. Cowell, from the 12th Foot, to be Quartermaster ; Staff-Surg. of the Second Class J. T. 0. Johnston, M.D. tote Sur. Depot Battalion at Weimer-Lieut.-Col. IL Eyre, from half-pay Unatt. to be Lieut.-Col.; Major W. D. Deverell, from half-pay Coati to be alajor ; Capt. A. A. Nelson, from half-pay Unatt. to be Adjt.; Quartermaster T. Williamson, from the 34th Foot, to be Quartermaster. Depot Battalion at Winchester-Lieut.-Colonel Ii. P. Raymond, from half-pay Unattached to be Lieut.-Colonel; W. H. Fitzgerald, ball-pay Canadian Rifle Regt. to be Adjutant; Quartermaster A. Hendry, from the 19th Foot, to be Quartermaster.

Depot Battaliou at Fermoy-Brevet Lieut.-Col. G. V. Creagh, from half-pay Un- att. tube Major ; Capt. J. H. Grant, half-pay Unatt. lobe Adjt.

Depot Battalion at Templemoor-Lieut-Col. El. D. Townshend, from half-pay Unatt repaying the difference, to be Lieut.-Cul.

Staff-Brevet Cal. J. 13. Gough, C.B. half-pay ad Light Drags. Deputy-Quarter master-General in the East Indies, to be Deputy-Quartermaster-General in Ireland, vice Colonel Penefather, appointed Brigadier-Gen. on a particular service :Brevet- Col. F. Markham, C.B. of the 32d Regt. to be Adjt.-Gen. in the East Indies, vice Mountain, dec.; Brevet Lieut -Col. H. Havelock, C.B. of the 53d Regt. from Deputy- Adjt.-Gen. at Bombay, to be Quartermaster-Gen. in the East Indies, vice Gough ; Erevet Lieut.-Col. E. Lugard, C.B. 29th Foot, from Assist-Adjt-Gen. in Bengal to be Deputy-Adjt.-Gen. at Bombay, vice Has clock. Hospital Staff-Assist-Surg. G. T. Woodman, M.D., from the 13th Light Drags. to be Staff-Surg.. of the Second Class.

To be Assist.-Surgs. to the Forces-L. Armstrong, Gent vice Wall, appointed to the 89th Foot ; J. Elkin, M.B. vice Bleckley, appointed to the 14th Foot; A. M. Tippetts, Gent. vice Young, appointed to the 621 Foot ; W. R. Grylls, Gent. vice Smith, appointed to the 4th Foot; A. Risk, Gent. vice Brice, appointed to the 28th Foot; J. F. Stuart, M.D. vice Elkington, appointed to the Scots Fusilier Guards; D. Milroy, M.D. vice Gibson, appointed to the 634 Foot ; T. Clark, Gent. ; W. Y- Jeeves, Gent.: F. T. Abbott, Gent.; A. Maclean, Gent. ; R. L. Butler, Gent.; S. A. Cusack, Gent.; J. H. J ephson, M.D.; G. F. Davis,. Gent.; J. Cowan, M.D.; A. H umfrey, Gent. ; E. L. Lundy, Gent.; W. Harris, Gent.; N. H. Pollard, Gent.; G. H. Swinhoe, Gent.

To be Purveyor-C. J. Minney, Gent. Memorandum-The promotion of AssistaSurg. C. F. Stephenson, M.D. from the 81st Foot, to be Staff-Surg of the Second Class, ae stated in the Gazette of 28th of March 1854, has been cancelled.