Accounts from Paris to yesterday evening . kring news of
very striking interest.
' The French army of observation on the AtpRie frontier is to consist of three divisions of infantry, one of cavalry, and a brigade of artillery and of engineers— commander General Bedean.
The planting of" trees of liberty" has been stopped by Government. The Ur- ban Guard has interfered, filled up the holes dug, and dispersed assemblies about to go through these vain ceremonies.
The Constitutionnel contradicts the statement that M. Thiers has retired from
the contest for Aix. • • Berlin was tranquil on the 2d April. The Berlin Ministry have addressed a memorial to the King, requesting liberty to repudiate the imputations that he desires the absolute headship of Germany. In reply, he empowers them to refute the misinterpretation of his words.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, being questioned as to Denmark, stated that a mediation by a friendly power was about to be attempted, and he did not expect Or.
Posen is in anarchy. On the 30th and preceding nights conflagrations illu- mined the skies over wide regions. Some 30,000 men have armed with scithes, and are giving themselves military organization. Madrid letters of the 31st March state that Olozaga has been taken and sent to Cadiz, for the Philippines. Salamanca is at large, dodging the police.