Ina letter to last Saturday's Times " Vertu" 'draws attention to
the statement that Father Bailly, of the Assumptionists, an Order which has been expelled from France and is taking refuge in England, has accepted Cardinal Vaughan's invitation to take charge of a parish in London. "May I remind your readers generally," says " Verax," "that of all the militant Clerical organs in France Father Bailly's La Croix is the one which has always carried off the palm for the most bitter and virulent Anglophobia, and your Catholic readers more especially that it was Father Bailly's La Croix that went to the length of ascribing the condemnation of Dreyfus by the Courb-martial at Rennes to the miraculous intervention of the Blessed Virgin Mary p" " Verax" goes on to ex.
press the hope that Cardinal Vaughan will be able to con. tradict this statement. It is natural that " Verax," who, as appeared in a former controversy, is a Roman Catholic, should be indignant., but for ourselves we are more struck by the absolute confidence shown by the Assumptionists in the tolerance of English Protestants. The men who have abused us so violently in their newspapers feel certain of kindness and fair treatment in Protestant England. It is a magnificent compliment, and the incident cannot, we should hope, fail to have an influence on even the Late proprietors of La Croix.