The Times correspondent at Copenhagen reports that the attempts to
Russify Finland by severity have cooled the usual Danish welcome for the Czar. The Danes, he says, understand Finnish, and are inclined from history to regard both Finland and Northern Schleswig as old Scandinavian provinces. That seems a little sentimental, but we can easily imagine that all the peoples on the coasts of the Baltic feel a common interest in the good government of those coasts, and that the Danes with their love of freedom regard the suppression of Finnish liberties with great disfavom.. The matter is of some importance to the Czars, as Denmark is the only place where they can lead a holiday life, and are safe at once from Anarchists and their own Ministers. It has recently been asserted, with some appearance of correct- ness, that the Czar hears the whole truth about events in his ! own dominions only from Copenhagen.