The chances of complete victory for the German Agrarians do
not increase. The pressure from Russia and Austria, both
of which countries are threatened by the proposed high tail on _grain and meat, increases, and the Protectionists of the 'German towns are becoming restive. They --re work,,i with the Agrarians, doubtless under some kind of bar : but they now denounce-- them for wanting too e and in particular demand that the commercial treati; shall be continued. That is the old and wellateder, stood story. True Protectionists are never comet; unless duties are prohibitive—one good reason for Free. traders rejecting compromise — and the workmen. in r6 towns always find that nothing compensates them for dear food. It is the good fortune of Germany that Protection there involves the taxation of the loaf, and the bad luck oi America that the Protectionists there are unable to ta, bread. Scientific argument ought to win in the end, but dear food is a better object-lesson than any which can be conveyed in a book. The grand protection against any aberration et the subject', in our own country is that the core of tie Protectionist party consists of men whose one object is to hi the import of corn.