On the 27th August, at Gormanstowu Castle. the Lady of the Hon. TERIMAS Paitsrox, of a daughter.
-On the 311th, in Belgrave Square. Lady CECIL'S DEB VOUX, Of a daughter.
On the :10th, at Swarlend Park, the Hun. Mrs. Courson, of a son.
On the 31st, at Coptfuld Hall, Essex, the Lady of J. A. Haancerrne, Esq., of a daughter. On the it September, at Colon House, Warwickshire, the Lady JANE JOHNSTONE DOUOIAS, of a daughter. • On the 23, at Bittern Grove. near Southampton, the Lady of ALEXANDER HAYES,
BR., of a sun.
On the 23, at Kiddermiuster, the Hon. Mrs. CL00:11170N, of a daughter. On the 3d, at Woolwich, the Wife of Major STRANSHAM. of a still-born daughter.
On the 3d. at.Woolwich. the Lady of Lieutenant Common. EM., of a son. Oa the 4th, at Nether Seale Hall. Leicestershire, Lady GRESLEY, of a MM. On the 5th, at Richmond Hill, the Lady of Joon De:morrows, Esq., M.P., of a son.
On the 21st August. at Naples, Captain Lord WILLIAM Courron. R.N., second son of the Marquis of Northampton, to ELtze, daughter of Rear•Admiral the Hon. Gemini: Erzurr.
On the 27th, at the Cathedral of Clunfert, the Rev. EDWARD J. PHIPPS, Rector of Devises. Wilts, and SOD of the lute Thomas Hole Phipps, Esq.. of Leighton House in that county, to linserine Hezonierre, eldest daughter of the Venerable J. S. EUTSON, Archdeacon of Clonfert.
On the 29th, at Budock, J. C. FITZGERALD, Esq., Captain R.N.. to Meer Dever, eldest daughter of JOHN SYSIONDS, Esq.. of Stratton House. Falmouth.
On the 31st, at St. Mary's, Chelteuham. GEORGE EDWARDES CARRUTHERS, Esq.. Sur- geon of the Queen's Own Light Infantry Regiment of Militia, to ANNE, third daughter of the late Sir DAVID WiLmem Sarni, Bart., of Aluwick, Northumberland.
On the 31st, at St. Mary Magdalene, Oxford. Mr. D. Nrcrr, of Fleet Street, London, to Henaterr. youngest daughter of Mx. Joerr Peexes. of Oxford. On the 23 September, at Leamiugtou, the Rev. FRAN= DE Soren, Chaplain to his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, to Anuscusis, youngest daughter of JOHN Frrsosasco, Esq., of Portland Place. On the 3d, at Bolden, the Rev. Tnoties DALTON, son of Richard Dalton, Esq., of Oandover, Hants, to lietterer, daughter of the Rev. JOHN COLLINSON, Rector of Boldon, Durham. On the 4th, at Kessingland Church. Captain W. H. HENDERSON, C.B., son of the late Alexander Henderson. Esq., of Stempsier, Caithness-shire, to ELIZABETH MARTHA. Relict of the late Captain the Right Hon. Lord JAMES TOWNSHEND, R.N., of Yarrow, Norfolk.
Lately, at the Collegiate Church, Manchester, the Rev. WILLIAM NASSAU MOLES' WORTH, IO MAROARET, youngest daughter of GEOILUE Mousey, Esq., of Ancoats Hall, Manchester,
On the 27th August, Sir Permit MAXWELL, Bart., of Spriogkell.
On the 27th, at A rdrossan, Mrs. JANE COVEN-ray, relict of the Rev. Dr. Dice, Glasgow. On the 27th, at Corsham. Wilts, GEOROIANA JANE. the fourth daughter of the late Major-General Geonoe MACKIE, C.B. ; in her 18th year.
Ott the 30th, in Tavistock Place, Flutters BALLY, Esq.,F.R.S., Presideut of the Royal Astrouomical Society ; in his 71st year. On the 30th, PETER Auousrus Le Ferrous, Esq., of Husbands Bosworth, Leicester- shire, Deputy-Lieutenant and senior Magistrate for that county ; in his 75111 )ear. On the 30th, at Wigton'. N.B., ROBERT HENRY, only sou of THOMAS ANDERSON, Esq., Advocate, Edinburgh ; in his 9th year. On the 31st, at Houghton Hall. Cumberland, JANES Roemer GRANT, Esq., eldest sou of Sir James R. Grant, of the Hill. Carlisle, in the same county ; in his 38th year.
On the 1st September. in Bedford Square. Brighton, WALTER Svorr STAALIOPE, E.sq., of Eccleshill Hall, in the West Riding of Yorkshire ; in his 88th year. On the 1st, at Leamington, CAMPBELL, youngest son of Sir GEORGE Srrwezr.., Bart., of Renishaw, Chesterfield ; in his 13th year. On the 1st. at Dover, Colonel Josses Lamest, of the Sixty-third Regiment; in his 86th year. Ou the 23. at Clifton Rectory, the Rev. Hexer SPENCER MARKHAM, ROCIOTOf Clifton near Nottingham, Canon Residentiary of York Cathedral, and Vicar of Cunisborough ; in his 39th year.
On the 5th, at the Cottage, Belle Hatch, OXINI, Mrs. ALLOWAY, maternal grandmo- ther of the Right Hon. Lady Dutiboyne • in her 85th year. Recently, at Region Place. Forces, Lieutenant•Colonel Lawn CATJUOLLAEL, late of the Fifty-ninth Regiment ; in his 823 year.