7 OCTOBER 1848, Page 11



The week has been barren of events, and the fluctuation of the English Funds as limited as usual. The only variation in Consols for Account has been from buyers to sellers at 86*; the closing price today being 86* I. Reports have been prevalent of the insolvency of a Joint Stock Bank; and it is further added that the establishment will appear in the Gazette of this evening. The London business of the copartnery is very important; its principal operations being the conduct of the business arising from its numerous country branches. In the Foreign Market, the only relief to the torpor into which business has fallen has been the occurrence of some rather extensive transactions in Mexican Stock, which has continued in demand, and has been as high as 19*: a reaction of about 1 per cent occurred, in consequence of a general disposition among the speculative holders to realize; another set of buyers have since made their ap- pearance, and the market has resumed its onward movement; the closing quota- tions of this afternoon being 18i 19*. Portuguese Bonds have continued at the advanced prices given in our last report; the recurring arrival of every mail for the Peninsula bringing some remittances, however small, on account of the dividends.

In the Railway Share Market, prices had till today continued nearly at our last quotations; and in some instances symptoms of improvement were visible. Today, however, a change for the worse is apparent; and in some of the lines, especially those connected with the Midland, the depression has been greater than ordinary. York and North Midland have fallen to a discount; these Agues, upon which 50/. is paid, having at one period been saleable for more than 1001. per share. The quotations even of best lines still continue miserably low, and there is no appearance of any resumption of investment. The French and Foreign lines are entirely neglected, and without any transactions or fluctuations of Im- portance.

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 30th September, exhibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, the following results=

BANKING DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

Rest 4 2,745

Public Deposits 209,553 Other Deposits 'Seven-day and other Bills Government Securities, including Dead-weight Other Securities Notes unissued Actual Circulation


Notes Issued Bullion Total Bullion in both Departments


In the English Market there is very little doing, and prices are nominal. In the Foreign Market no transactions have taken place. In Railway Shares there is nothing new.

Actual Circulation

4545,466 38,476



454,746 238,015



This week. Last wee*.

13,6718,493 13,865,081 17,549,020


3 per Cent Consols

Ditto for Account

3 per Cent Reduced

86¢ 1 861 shut Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 1 per Cents 70 2 ex d 141 51 681 691 cad 31 per Cents shut Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 181 191 Long Annuities shut New Grenada 11 12 Bank Stock shut Portuguese N.4 per Cep ts 1842 67 70 Exchequer Bills

26 33 pm.

Portuguese Old 1824 24 25 India Stock 235 Bulletin 5 per Cents 99 100 Brazilian 5 per Cents 72 4 ez d. Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 111 12 Belgian 41 per Cents 74¢. Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 221 3 Buenos Ayres 22 25 Venezuela 14 16 Chilton 6 per Cents 83 Sex 0.

Notes lesned

£27,120,705 Government Debt £11,015,140

Other Securities 2,944.900

Gold Coin and Bullion 12,610,796

Silver Bullion





Proprietors' Capital

£14,663,000 Government Securities,


Hest 3,837.472 cluding Dead WeightAmmityl £12.2.62 .298

Public Deposits*

7,008,838 Other Securities 11,674,473 ether Deposits 8,146,311


9,671.683 Seven Day and other Bills .... 1,020,623 Gold and Silver Coln 537,778


£31,386,242 Including Exchequer, Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt &Dividend Accts. BANK OF ENGLAND.

An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Viotorht, esp. St, for the week ending

on Saturday, the 30th day of September 1848. 1asEE DEPARTMENT.