7 NOVEMBER 1958, Page 16

Brooke Bond have produced excellent results to June 30, 1958,

but it would seem mostly for the benefit of the lax collector. The group income is up slightly from £79.6 million to £80.6 million; but the tax item has increased by £792,000. Per- haps Mr. John Brooke, the chairman, will give some explanation of this, as it may be there have been further amounts to write off development expenses this year, which are not allowable for tax deductions. The net profit is £1,758,399 against £1,622,806; after all disbursements the surplus remaining is £1,348,899. This remarkably success- ful company showed capital assets of £12.8 mil- lion in the last balance sheet, to which can be added £1.06 million arising from the revaluation of freehold and leasehold properties in the UK. From this amount it is proposed to make a 25 per cent. free scrip issue, which will only absorb just under £2 million. The dividend is again 5 per cent. tax free, from earnings of 23 per cent. (tax free) plus a special interim of id. per share tax free, in all the equivalent of 10.1 per cent, gross. It is not unreasonable to expect that this rate of dividend could be maintained on the increased capital, in which case a very good yield of 5.75 per cent. would be obtained on the 5s. 'B' ordinary shares at 1 ls. This is an attractive investment, for the company has never reduced its rate of dividend in the last forty years.

Harrison and Crosfield have delighted share- holders by the payment of an additional 21 per cent. jubilee bonus—the company's fiftieth year, in addition to the ordinary dividend of 15 per cent. There has been a fall of 18 per cent, in the group trading profits, but, with a substantial drop in regard to overseas taxation, the net profit is little changed at £547,403, against £564,109; the remain- ing surplus is £231,610. The company is best known for its large interests in rubber and tea. but the group interests in shipping, exporting and importing, insurance and engineering, etc., are expanding. It would be interesting to learn from the chairman, Sir Leonard Paton, what proportion of the profits can be attributed to these other interests. With the dividend covered 2.8 times it should be possible to maintain the increased rate of dividend of 171 per cent. in future, in which case the yield on the £1 ordinary shares at 61s. 3d. is 5.7 per cent.

Betts and Co. manufacture metallic capsules, collapsible tubes and tin, lead and zinc foils for which products there is an increasing demand. Recently the company has acquired Vollmann Brothers of Slough, manufacturers of lacquers and paints, and also Neville Brothers, manufac- turers of metal screw caps and corks. These acquisitions all tie in with the company's activities

I took a timetable out of my suitcase and began reading quietly in the manner prescribed, the names of about one hundred railway stations. I observed that, after reading them over a few times, I could recite the whole list off with hardly a mistake.- With a little more practice I found I had committed them so completely to memory that 1 could remember them in the reverse order and even pick out one station from the list and sa) which number it was, and what were the names of the towns before and after it.

I was astonished at the memory I had acquired and spent the rest of my journey on more and more difficult experiments in memory, and reflecting how this new control I was achieving over my mind would materially help me to a greater success in life. After this, I worked hard at this wonderful memory system, and within a week I found I could -recall passages from books and quote them with ease; names, addresses and business appointments were remembered immediately; and in four months I had succeeded in learning Spanish.

If I have obtained from life a measure of wealth and happiness, it is to that book I owe it, for it revealed to me the workings of my brain.

Three years ago, I had the good fortune to meet its author, and I promised him to pro- pagate his method, and today I am glad of this opportunity of expressing my gratitude to him.

I can only suppose that others wish to acquire what is, after all, the most valuable asset towards success in life.

Borg's address is: M. 0. Borg, c/o Aubanel Publishers, 14 Highfield Road (Rat hear), Dublin, Ireland. Apply to him for hi- little book, "The Eternal Laws of Success." It is free to all who wish to develop their memory.


Classified advertisements must be pre- Paid 3s. 6d, per line. Line averages 40 letters. Minimum 2 lines. Box numbers Is. extra. Classified Advertisement Department, The Spectator Ltd., 99 Gower Street, London, WCI. Telephone EUSton 3221 (5 lines).


- --- A PERSONAL SECRETARY required by Literary Author and Museum Director. Young lady of Maid education, 19-25, • with typing ability. Aptitude and interest in Film and Music Society, Works of Art and ArchzeokagY Preferred to experience. French an advantage. Partly London and partly residential on Country estate. Living expenses all found. Prospects and 'dilate according to sultability.-Box 4259.


APPLICATIONS arc invited for the post of editor/translator at the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organisation, Copenhagen. Candidates should have a Univer- sity degree, English mother tongue and a sound knowledge of Russian and French. The essential qualifications are ability to translate from these two languages into English and to edit docu- ments and reports in Enelbes Commencing salary U.S. 54.1300 and certain allowances. For application forms, and further details, please write to the WHO Region Office for Europe, 8 Schernagve1, Copcnhaken 0, Denmark. Closing date, 15 December, 1959. BBC requires producer. Natural History Unit in Bristol. The unit provides the Corporation's main output of wild life and naturalist Pro- grammes in Sound and Television. Successful candidate will be required to produce Television ploteranunes of the 'Look' type and may also be called upon to undertake a proportion of similar work in Sound. Strong interest in wild-life sub- jects essential and substantial background knowledge desirable. Applicants should have experience of production work in live Tele- vision and/or film, Ability to initiate and develop new programme ideas and techniques would be rated highly. Salary. £1,380 p.a. (pos- sibly higher if qualifications exceptional), rising by seven annual Increments to £1,930 p.a. max. Requests for application forms (enclosing addressed envelope and quoting reference G.856 'Sot.') should reach Appointments Officer, Broadcasting House, London, W.1, within live days.



LiiirditsTER GALLERIES. Leicester Sq. MERLYN EVANS-New Paintings. STAITE MURRAY-Pottery. VLAMINCK-Early Wood- cuts, I Oboe. 10-5.30, Sets. 10-1. Mk, JACK LINDSAY will give • talk. 'William Morris, Writer,' Caxton Hall. S.W.I. 6.30 Friday, 14 November. Admission Free. Arranged by the William Morris Society.

'THE GREAT EXPERIMENT IN AMERICAN LITERATURE' Fifth of 7 lectures on Tuesday evenings. 6.30 p.m., presented by The Cultural Affairs Office, American Embassy, 41 Grosvenor Sq. Arthur Mizener (Cornell Univ.)-speaks on 'The Noble Savagery of Ernest Hemingway,' Nov. 11.

'THE PRINCES' IN THE TOWER. New light on old bones. Free illustrated talk by expert Anatomist, Church House, Gt. Smith St, West- minster. Wed., Nov. 12th, 8 p.m. Details from : Hon. Sec.. Fellowship of the White Boar, Miss I. Wigram, 39 Lennox Gdns., London. S.W.I.

UNIVERSITY OF LONDON t The Creiehtor Lecture, entitled 'The City of London and the Opposition to Government. 1754-1774,' will he delivered by Dr. Lucy Sutherland at the Uni- versity of London. Senate House, W.C.t. on Monday. 17 November, at 5.30 p.m. ADMIS- SION FREE, WITHOUT TICKET. - lames Henderson, Academic Registrar.