7 MAY 1842, Page 8


Arrived—At Gravesend, Coromandel. Ryan ; Ellen. Rogers; Stork, Scott; General

Kyd, Jones; Greyhound. —; John Bartlett. Bartlett; Albatriats. ; and Mauri- tius, Hewlett, from China. Seriugapatam, Hopkins; Adams, Mills;Paragon, Cum- ming; Dale Park, Snell; Agincourt. Walker; and Southampton. IlOwen, from Ben- Malabar. Pollock; and Samuel, —, from Bombay. Achilles. Trivett. from Ceylon. Swallow, Biggar; Druid. Ritchie; and Gem. Robb. from Mauritius; and Reliance, Robertson, from the Cape. Oil' Ply-mouth, May 5th, Mary Ray, Ellwood; and Mary Ann. Marshall. from Mauritius. At Cowes, Janet, M•Phun, from Singa- pore. At Liverpool, May lit. Ellen. Tapp, from Bengal; 4th, Majestic. Cornforth. from Bombay. Hereford, Raebum; and Caribbean. Fleming. from Bengal; and Indus. Brown, from Ceylon. In the Clyde, April 27th, Mary Campbell. Wylie, from Mauritius; and April 24th, Ann Martin, Rose, from Bombay. At Saint Helena, March 15th, Earl Foams, Todhunter; and Taleutire„ White, from Mauritius ; March 16th, Victor, Luckey. from Ceylon. At the Cape. previous to March 3d, Indian, Cart; Emma Eugenia. Kettlevrell ; Dartm uth, Jacob ; Catherine, Brown; Countess of Durham, M.ILaren; Imaum of Museatt. Riches:and Mary Thomp- son. —, from London ; Cremona, Steer. from Liverpool; and Kate. Willem, from the Clyde. At Mauritius, previous to the 22d Jan. Pantaloon, Candler; Rebecca Jane, Valrent; Spartan, Tarbet ; Tygris, Symons ; Diana, Strickland; nod Thomas Snook, Stacey, from London. At Bombay, pre% lees to 1st April. Ellen. Brewer; Diana, Strickland; and Edinburgh. Patterson, from London. At Ceylon. previous to March 21st. Carolina, Woodward; Woolsington, Pearson ; and Tigris, Simons, front Loudon ; Paudom, Cothay, from Liverpool; Hortensia, Story ; and Jupiter Longridge, front Newcastle. At Madras, previous to March 23d, John Fleming. lbse ; Echo, Borstal; and Orpheus, Digby, from London; Madura. Mylue, from Dundee; and Niagara, Chaiou, from Newcastle. At Bengal. previous to March 18th. Iudian. English ; Van- guard. Garwood; Reaper, Gordon; Bland. Callan; Glen Handy, Gilles; Nankin. Palmer; Gertrude, Stead; and Intrep'd. Stuart, from London ; Jumna. Clark ; Joint Bagshaw, Reddington; Rosanna. Johnstone; Francis Sharp. —; and Enterprise, Robertson, from Liverpool; Ocean, hi• Minn ; and Isabella Cooper. M' Kellar. from. Clyde; and Imogeue. Bissett, from Newcastle. At Singapore. 3d Feb. Guess, M'Kel- tar. from Loudon ; 5th, Thomas Moult, Appleby, from ditto; and7th, Malcolm, Turner, from Liverpool.

Sailed—From Gravesend. April 30th, Adelaide. Wharton, for China; Mellish, Faw- cett; and Ann. Griffiths, for Madras; and Mermaid, Riley, for Bombay; May 1st, Lord Lowther. Dndman, for China; Mary Riley, Sharer, for Bengal ; Dauntless. Wakefield, for Madras ; 2d, Rajasthan, Steward; Berkshire, Clarkson; Inglis. laser- son; and Margaret. Joyce, for Bombay. From Liverpool, April ffinh. Fras. Ann,. Thompson, for Singapore ; Isabel. Griffith,. for Bengal; May 1st, Matilda, Rowse, for China ; 2d. Princess Royal, Brock, for Bengal.