7 MAY 1831, Page 9

CoaorMa's Ittoonsrs.-LOne of these sapient tribunals sent a young woman

to Bow Street last Saturdv, on suspicion of child-murder. An infant, of which they most sagaciously concluded her to have been de- livered, had been found at Chiswick, under circumstances which led them to‘suppoie that it had come to its death unfairly. When the young_ woman was examined; she 'was found to he still pregnant ! The Magis- trates advised her to prosecute the blockheads that had so outraged her feelings by their stupidity. SAMUEL: DEXTER.—This young man, who is charged, it will be remem- bered, with matricide, has been at length committed for trial.

MORE MURDERS IN' CLARE.—On Thursday morning last week, about ten o'clock, three assassins, dressed in womelf s clothes, and. armed,with .a blunderbuss and two muskets, went to the house of a man named Molony, herdsMan to Mr: Thomas Donoughue, who has lands between the Cross and the-Shannon, and, placing him on his knees,. desired Limn to say his prayers. One of the party then fired at him; on which the unfortunate man, though severely wounded, ran out of the house, but was instantly followed, and, as .he. was crossing a stream, he received a second shot in the back part of time head, which deprived him of life. Molony's offence was.not having driven his master's cattle off the farm, according to notice, in which he was apprized of his fate in time event of disobedience. Major• Ryan, of the 50th Regiment, with a party of the 17th Lancers were on the spot in about half an hour after, and proceeded to scour the woods, but without tracing the murderers. Shortly after committing the above-murder, the same men went to the house of a lamer living at the .Cross, on. the high road between Limerick and Ennis, and


threatened him with similar fate if he did not sell potatoes on their terms.—Clare Sentinel. • •