[TO TUN EDITOR or TER "EPTICTATOR."1 SIR,—Perhaps you may think the following " bulls " worth recording. In the Irish House of Commons of 1795, during a debate on the Leather-tax, the Chancellor of the Exchequer-.- Sir John Parnell—obaerved that "in the prosecution of the Peasant War every one ought to be ready to give his last guinea to save the remainder of his fortune." Mr. Vandeleur ;replied that "a tax on leather would press very heavily on the bare-footed peasantry of Ireland." The Morning Post in 1812 made the following statement :—" We congratulate ourselves most on having torn off Cobbett's mask and revealed his cloven foot. It was high time that the hydra head of faction should be soundly rapped over the knuckles." The present Duke of Leeds is reported to have accused the late Government of making a direct attack on the brewers by means of a side-wind. Only the other day I noticed in the Standard (I believe) that Sir Francis Scott, reviewing the troops after the Ashantee Expedition, said that they were no doubt disappointed at having no fighting, but if there had been "there would have been many absent faces here to-day." It was during the +late Administration that one of the Irish Whips telegraphed to Dublin that "the silence of the Irish Members would be 'heard in the House of Commons no longer." It was the .e..elebrated Sergeant Arabin who, at the Central Criminal Court, informed the prisoner before him that "if there was a clearer case of a man robbing his master, that case was this case;" and, after passing sentence, concluded, "I there- fore give you the opportunity of redeeming a character irretrievably lost."—I am, Sir, &ea