The Funds opened on Monday at the closing prices of Saturday-93 1 f for Money, and 94k1 for the new Account on the 8th of April ; and continued firm up to Wednesday morning, when the announcement of the defeat of Government caused the market to open I per cent lower. The arrangements for the settling of a large " Bull " account, andtheveryheavybillstobo met on the 4th, contributed greatly to the depression in English Securities; and although there has not been any particular pressure for money on the Stock Exchange, the demand in the discount-market and at the Bank has been very heavy, at full rates. Today the Funds have exhibited greater heaviness; Console closing at 93 15-16, sellers, for 8th April. The business of the week has been altogether considerable. Bank and India Stock are quoted 2/. better-220 to 222, and 221 to 223. Reduced and. New Three per Cents ewe. Stocks generally close this afternoon with a downward tendency. Exchequer Bills par to 3 premium. Loans have been negotiated allthe week at about 6 per cent. Foreign Stocks have been more active at slightly advanced prices. Buenos Ayres have been done at 86, and leave off at 85 87. Venezuela Bonds quiet at 378. A good deal of buainess has been done in Peruvian Stock ; the Four-and-half per Cents close at 783 7k; Ditto Three per Cent, 53k 563. Turkish Six per Cents have shown great animation, and were at one time as high as 98k: the closing price today is 97 f. Mexican Bonds, 22f A.
The Share Market has again been very buoyant, and a further improvement is noticeable in quotations ; and but for the adverse tendency of the
English Market, it is probable prices would be still higher. Midland doses at 821 ; London and North-Western, 106f 1; Great 'Western, 69* ; Lan
cashire and Yorkshire, 1023 ; London and South-Western Stock, 105 3. The lighter Shares have been equally good: Caledonian is quoted at 35f 1; Dover, 221 3; Aberdeen, 273 83 ; London and Brighton, 109 110. Canada Shares have been in demand at advanced rates; Grand Trunks, 121 13f. French Shares have been steady at about former values. Paris and Lyons, 571 8;' Central, 4 3; Northern, 383 ; Luxembourg, 63 ; Sambre and Meuse, 81 9. Quotations in Indian Shares are without alteration.
After regular hours this afternoon, the markets all round exhibit great heaviness : Consols, sellers, at 9311.
There is a decrease of 60,975/. shown in this week's Bank return of the stock of bullion. English Securities are heavy this morning, at a shade lower prices. Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares are as at the closing yesterday,. A few transactions in Railway Shares have been effected, as follows -Ambergate, 41; Eastern Counties, 10i • Great Northern B Stock, 1243; Great Western, 61; Brighton, 109f ; Midland, 82f ; North British, 46.
The markets have been very quiet all the morning, Consols fluctuating between buyers and sellers at 931. The Foreign Market closes firm, but without alteration. The following me the latest, operations-Eastern Counties, 11; Great Northern, 96; Ditto A Stock, 833 • Ditto B Stock, 124f ; Great Western, 681' Lancashire and Yorkshire, 102; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1091 ; London and North-Western, 106; London and South-Western, 1051 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 38; Midland, 82k; North British, 46; North-Eastcrn-Bervrick, 851 ; Ditto York, 62k; Northern of France, 39; Paris and Lyons, 58. Joint Stock Banks -Australasia, 100; Colonial, 253; Oriental Bank. Corporation, 40; Ottoman Bank, 16; Union of Australia, 603. Miscellaneous-Canada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 1101; Crystal Palace Preference, si.