Southampton, Saturday.—The Teviot, Captain Allen, with the Mexican and West
Indian mails, has Just been telegraphed off Calshott Castle. The Pacha, with the Peninsular malls, is also coming up the river. The Pacha brings in- formation of the total loss of the Great Liver 1, off Cape Finisterre, on the 24th of February, by getting on shoals at four in t emorning. It is satisfactory to state that only three lives were lost---a Mrs. Archer, from Bombay; Miss Morris, seven years old; and a Native servant. Twenty-one of the crew and twenty-nine
pas- sengers came in the Pacha; the remainder of the passengers are at Comma. The mails are safe, but damaged. Mr. Lane, the purser, is coming by express train. She lies high on the rocks, and but little chance of her getting off. The Pacha also got on shore off the bar of Oporto, through stupidity of the pilot; and bet for the presence of mind of Captain Burns, all would probably have been wrecked— Standard's Private Correspondence, by Electric Telegraph.