7 JUNE 1902, Page 14



SIR,—Your correspondent, " Anglo-German," in the Spectator of May 31st would appear to ignore certain arcana imperil. Why did England lose her Atlantic Colonies ? First, because she insisted on keeping adult children in leading strings. Secondly, because there was no powerful stranger at hand to make the protection of the Mother-country indispensable. Why will England not lose her Pacific Colonies, at least in the near future? First, because she allows them the utmost latitude in the development of their own concerns. Secondly, because there are various powerful strangers at hand to make the protection of the Mother-country indispensable. Germany herself, by her possessions in the Pacific, and by her evident desire to add to these possessions whenever an opportunity offers, is powerfully contributing to keep Australia within the

British Empire.—I am, Sir, &c., C. T. KNAUS. Bradford.

[Of course. We ourselves passed over " Anglo-German's " sneers about the Commonwealth as too absurd for notice. It is because we have " Commonwealths" and free nations within the Empire that we have an Empire of which we dare say Esto perpetua. The Germans may found, perhaps will found, an Empire like that of Spain, based on tyranny and selfish power, but they will never make a true and lasting Empire like ours unless they first learn that freedom is the "life-breath" of British Imperialism,—an Imperialism which has hitherto been envied but never imitated.—En. Spectator.]