7 JULY 1990, Page 26

Appalling drivel

Sir: Drivelling opinions are one thing; they can be argued. Drivelling about fact is quite another.

Mr Auberon Waugh (Another voice, 16 June) writes quite unequivocally that every patient over 75 must now be examined medically every year, and taken to pieces in a way which could be embarrassing.

I am 86, and I have been asked by my doctor (also 'a GP in Wiltshire who shall be nameless') whether I want this regular reassessment. I have answered that so long as I feel well I don't want to look for trouble; and he accepts this as perfectly reasonable. There has not been the slight- est hint of persuasion; and the idea of some sort of compulsion is such appalling non- sense that one wonders how Waugh could be gullible enough to fall for it.

Patrick Campbell

Pythouse, Tisbury, Wiltshire