7 JULY 1838, Page 7


Mr. Gilbert Pouncy, Treasurer of the Middlesex Reform Club, hes sent the following letter to the Morning Chronicle- ,. Sir—You will confer a great obligation upon those who have laboured these several years, under the most disheartening circumstances, to uphold the Reform interest in the county of Middlesex, by calling the attention of your readers to the resolutions of the Middlesex Reform Club, passed with the greatest re. hamlet', after haring made great sacrifices, and not until they had severely experienced the truth (I believe) of Wesley's assertion, • that they who love you most for political purposes, love you less than their dinner; and they who Late you least, hate you worse than the devil.'

" The resolutions are the following ; viz.

That the Middlesex Reform Club are desirous of making known to the Re- formers of the count, that several meetings have lately been held with a view of ob- taining funds to carry on the ensuing registration, zeitio4t success ; and, in consequence. they feel that unless subscriptions be forwarded to the treasurer on or before the loth 3111;. the ethers of the Club will be obliged to declare the ChM at an end.

That a deputation be requested to wait upon Mr. Byng with a copy of the above resolution.'

"In reply' to these resolutions, Mr. Byng has promised to subscribe liberally, and to render every assistance to the Club, prortotrol hc be assisted by others.

" I ant willing to believe that the example of illr. Byng will stimulate those who have given no assistance, and that fuuds will be furnished even at this, the

eleventh hour. "1 remain, Sir, your most obedient servant, "GILBERT POUNCY.

Treasurer of the Middlesex Iteffirm Club.

"65, Long Acre, July 3."

[So, the "putting on the back" system has come to this at last ! Middlesex is on the point of being surrendered at discretion to the Tories. A sufficient motive for rousing the Reformers to activity is wanting. Between the Ballot-denying Ministers and the Conservative Opposition, the difference is not so marked as to induce a numerous constituency to encounter trouble, loss, and ruin.]

In the Guildhall, on Wednesday, the due election of the new Sheriffs, Mr. Wood and Mr. Johnson, was declared by the Lord Mayor. The final numbers (fur the polling continued after the advertised withdrawal of the Tory candidates) were— For Alderman Thomas Wood 1050 Alderman Thomas Johnson 1014

Mr. Joshua Wilson 583 Mr. Ambrose Moore 518 The members of the Tower Hamlets Conservative Association celebrated the Coronation by a public dinner at the West India Dock Tavern, Blackwell, on Thursday. The Earl of Glengall 1411(1 the :Marquis of Chandos seem to have been the great men of the day. Lord Glengall enforced the necessity of exertion at the ensuing regis. undo'', in order to put the Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel at the head of a Conservative Administration.