On the 4th inst., in Nottingham Place, the Rightyon. the Viscountess Hoot), of a
son not heir.
On the 30th ult., in St. James's Place, the Lady SONDES, of a daughter. On the 28th tilt., at Cheltenham, the lion. Lady WILLIAMSON, of a son.
At Belt:rave Square. Lady FANNY HOWARD, of a son. Ou the 29th ult., in Lower Seymour Street, the lion. Mrs. CARNEOIR, of a daughter.
On the 30th ult., at Torquay, Devon, the Hon. Mrs. WILLIAM Towav Law, of a daughter.
On the 25th ult., at Zierow, in Mecklenburg Sehwerin,Lthe Baroness De Ilist, of a daughter.
011 the 2341 tilt., at 4, Segrave Place, Cheltenham, the Lady of EDWARD HENRY COVRTENAV, Esq., of a daughter.
On the 24th ult., at the Vicarage, Chieveley, Berke, the!Latly,' of the Rev..1. E. RODINsON, of a son.
Ou the 30th ult., at lleworth l'arsonage, Durham, the Wife of the Rev. MATTHEW Ptumaza, of a son. MARRIAGES.
On the 19th ult., at the Catholic Chapel, Chelsea, the Right Holt. Illanav BENE-
DICT Lord A RUNDSLL, Baron ARUNDEL!. or Wardour Castle, Wilts, to the lion.
TERESA, daughter of the Right lion. William Lord Stourtun, Baron Stoirriou of
Stout ton , ilts. •
On the 25th ult., at LoutIonn Castle, N.B., CaptainillF.NRY, 56th Regiment, son of John Joseph Henry, Esq., to the Lady SELINA CONSTANCE IlAsTINOS. third daughter of Froneis late Mormais of Ilastings. At Motif, county Limerick, JOHN DE hIONTMORENCY, Esq., eldest son of Harvey de Montmorency. of Castle Morris. hilkenuy. Esq., to the Hon. IltnaltrrA OliKADY, dam:Alter or viscount t: oillamore.
(in the 241 inut , at Paris, at the British Embassy, the Hon. Joins ST. V NcENT SAD- MARES, of the Rifle Brigade. to CARoLINE, eldest daughter of William Rhodes, Esq, of Bramhope Hall and 1(irakill, York.
On the 30th ult., at St. George's, Hanover Square, Captain Sir EDWARD WILLIA CORov Asrucv, R.N., to ELLEN, eldest daughter of the late James Toby, Esq., of Parliament Street, and of Richmond. On the 30th ult.. at the Roman Catholic Chapel, and afterwards at Chtiol Church, Sorry. W tal.r A m PoWER, Esq., of Canis Castle, county of Waterfonl, tient son of t lie late Pierce Power, Esq., of Scofield, to SARAII CONDVITT DEEM tut, eltle,t daughter or the late Joseph Dermer, Esq.
On the 3d inst., at Ilanipstead. listatv R. UPCHER, Esq., of Sheringham. No: folk,
to CARoLINE,only daughter of the late .1. Morris, Esq. ot Ampthill I 1 110111.11,1*
On the 3:1 inst., at Farnham. Sorry, the Ter. WILLIEN DIENar Srcrvsss, if. A.. of Worcester College, Oxford, null Citrate of Chatham, Sorry, to CA, third diltigliter of winiam cramp. EN, , or Farnham. The Rev. Dr. Wirscrea, President of St. John's, Oxford, to Miss TAY Olt, (1:111011 et of the Rev. M. D. Taylor, Iteotor of Moreton Cmhett, Salop. On the 3,1 hest. , the Rev. W. 11. MANN, V it'll,. of Mendell, Cheshire I's steers. third daughter of the lion. and Rev. L. Pow vs, Rector of Titelimarsh, No: 111 la m itorrOtire. On the 5th inst., at All Saints' Church, SOOtIllltY11/1011, JOHN DEN!: !STOEN, M.P., to FRANCES ANNE, oath:est 'laughter of Sir Ilenry Onslow, Bart. On the 2;t1t ult., at St. James's C Much. ('aptaiU ALEXANDER Out NT. Gist Regi- ment, to HARRIET SOPHIA, fnitf daughter of Captain T. Deacon, Cuatt: clued, late On time Staff at (2t1 loo.
On the 5th of March last, at the listald:shment of the Australian Con.pany at New Soot It Wales, of Whist, he was the Superintendent, Liellt.001011e1 II EMIL i• 14*M A H•
Ott the:Mit tilt., at KellSittlgt011, JOHN FIEHEK, Esq., of Dorset Square, Beget:Cs Pork.
On the 30th ult., at his mother's lionse, Balham Hill, Sorry, Mr. Fuson RICK Mow. try, of Lincoln's tau Fields, in his 28th year. On the 1st lost., at Leonard's, EDWARD LAW, of St John's College. ConaTiage, Esq., eldest son of the lion. Charles Evan Law, M.P., and Recorder or Lotclon. On the 30th ult., Mr. 1.tte, High Constable of Westminster. in his 63.1 ■ ear. On the 29th ult., at his house in St. Alhatt's Terrace, Vauxhall Bridge Itoad, West• moister, in his 64th year, Mr. LAN Porthivs, one of the Yeomen of her Majesty 's Body Gnard.
At Allenby, Durham, in his 85th Sear. T. ISE fly, Esq.
AtCamitheltown, Fort George, w here he hail resided for the last 52 years, as an out- pensiouer of Chelsea 110Spitel, CHRISTOPHER AI ACRAI, iu his 105th year.