7 JULY 1832, Page 8


Abstract of the Net Produce cf the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended oth Julv 1631 and Stir July 1832, showing the Increase 4 'ustoms Excise Stamps Post-office 'Faxes Xiscellancints Customs Poise Stamps Post-office Taxes Miscellaneous Income and Charge on the Consolinated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5t1i July 1831 and 1812.


Quarters ended 1531. July 5.


l'ustoms 2,156,311 2 401276 Excise 3.33 Li 3,314,325 Stamps 1.630,1115 1,615.213 Pest-oflice


Taxes 2,016,9/1 1,931.510 Miscellaneous 140,456 51,116

9,9:6,426 9,6:34,470

-Tontine Money

To Cash brought frnm the Civil List. and Supplies in repay- ment of Sums issued out If the I lereditary Revenues

TO Cash brought to this Account from the W a vs trial Means, to replare the like Sum issued out of the eras ing produce of

the Consolidated Fund in Ireland for Public Services 359,165 571.416

10.985,591 lo,265,856 •


Querters c 1831. Wed July 5.


Exchequer Annuities 1.572 1,511 South Sea Company S1,363 91.556 • Bank on their Capital 89,195 59,125 Dividends 8.097,567 8,090,237 National Debt 623.51S

'Civil List 515,601 127,500 Pensions 88,103 55,015 ether Charges 115,772


9,615.956 8,659.000 Eurplus 669,935 1,615.886

10,295,891 I 0,265.886 Exchequer Bills issued for the Consolidated Fund. at :ith April 11432. and paid off out of the growing produce of the said

Fund in the Quarter ended 5th July 1532 3,301,853 Surplus of the Consolidated IMO at 5th July 1832 1,61,336

ISSIed out or the Consolidated Fund, on :mount of the Sup- plies granted for the service of the year 102 5.842,407


The Amount of ENC1101111eT Bills to be issued to make good the deficiency of the Consolidated Fund at 5th July 1532, chargeable ou the growing produce of the said Fund, for the

Quarter ending 10th Oct. 1832 7,575,374 or Decrease on each heaa. Years ended 5111 July 101. 102.

Illere:U‘e. Decrease.

16,30,295 11,511,911


15,6.11553 11 654,716


6.50 t,213 6,5 -,2,529




17 4,935,703 4,905,941

2,1,7tei 555,020 403,564

151,459 45,373,813 49,711,965 44,616 2,710,461

Deduct Increase

49,616 Decrease on the Year


- -

Quarters ended 5th Mr

1532. Increase. Decrease.


3,754.465 3.513,569 233,926 3,3391.17

3,348,325 5.6,225

1,6303(0 1.615,243 14,866 358,105 3943100 54,1106 2,016,1141 1,931,510 89,471 105,500 95,3.16 10,151.

11,197,554 10,852293 56,228 • 400,793 Deduct llama e

36,924 Decrease on the Quarter
