7 JANUARY 1989, Page 20


Sir: We four members of the governing body were most distressed to see your newspaper (`Witch-hunters sabotaged' by Mark Almond, 17 December) publish mis- leading comments about the conduct of Sir Raymond Hoffenberg, President of Wolf- son College, concerning the so-called Nolte Affair.

Mr Almond's article gives the false impression that the decision not to invite Professor Nolte was taken by the President whereas he knows it was taken by a democratically elected committee on which governing body fellows, research fellows and students are represented. Mr Almond has chosen to misrepresent the affair in a series of press statements attributed to him that include untruth, innuendo, insinuation and distortion. We hope he will desist in the interests of the college to which he still belongs. In the meantime we confirm that the President has the full support of the Governing Body.

R. Booker M.J.O. Francis W.S. McKerrow C.H. Walton

Wolfson College, Oxford