7 JANUARY 1854, Page 24


The Photographic Dxliihitien in NO' Bond Street is one of those sights, rare in number' affording a pleasure which may fairlybe called intense and unmixed. „Ilit5bairaphy- ha i its limits and its necessary short- comings; but what an edritated eye expects to find in it, it gives beyond questioning and beyond 'parial141-7-abso1idely right and good. The frequent change of extunplea so judiciously provided for by Mr. Delamotte at this:institutionlias brought, together nt present an excellent collection. Here are Welsh views takemby Mr. Coils, remarkable :f6a a blended and suignedAnne, figurlis andpertraits by.Mr, stantinopolitan•buildiuga by Idr.-Iloberteen ; capital Francliarchitectural examples ; exterior titriairindiietbrafroni the .Crystal PO* figures and Wistbent,--by-Mr: •-.1k;lainotte himself is Well as 'specimens by 34r. Sutton and several othoia. Mrs.. Versahoyle's bit from Holland Park denotes-the practice of thislovely art and engrossing,amusement by ladies and Mr. Altrt41•Cotboilld't desig ir wooll-cutting from a pho- tographed cow ' ahows„.its appliabAlii: for ,pufposes of engraving., .The pieces de ii.,;Conie.a.f the entiee,collection however, are contributed by Air. Martens ; beltig."'ItseriealritSitiss landscape or town-scenery, extra- ordinary fOr uniisd -brilliancy and' breadth.---We had scarcely before seen anything to equal the Vervey or onelrom another district—the "Scene in the Pyreseee"-inritlfich a'Atngle slight point alone, the demi-tint. where tike:aliadow . strikes aerossi.i: -gabled: tense in the fore- ground, indicates the verruncommon amoui# of- skill which goes to the

production :Or . , We may add, that it would be a gmat a tage were the particular

Process 44OPted,iafeaelA•1444i41;SPV.g•Aiti jijit t•InAste4. Even an experienced-eyeliesitatet-eome4rnee-in -this-point, while 'the beginner dr the mete:observer loses, by the•want of sonYeisoele information., a great dearettliellidWledge whinAtbe'extenkivo4Oftinildea.fer compa- rison in an exhibition of -tine .1und!atould9otherwise afford him; There would be iiia.eteitioini...1"tâloklie_1i:hid:CAS noeiffitEse"

requisite ; the division Afrtlae, piotamea into, sestinas according to the pro- cesses, or,a weVflilesoription„ad,ded 0? the title of Rach, woulfj tmswer , " • ..

is-YeM WiLEIMIALS putiose..„. t - -