7 JANUARY 1854, Page 24

MILITAR 1. Y. ..'a,UtZT,g,


C"I's °'400.444. 44i4V- the Boil. N\-zri pc,* n 349,-..R109 4fiFijI0b. PEW. io5- --Y,Nsisrkrteci.uo, /111111-rm, It•.17.0 .o%.) at she 0--.!,..oloss14 A. .1, Lila A .frroz . . .p.a,/, AttminAtxr, I De-e. 30. -Corps of Royal Marinfis,:filent:Cadet A.,Wz-Shabo,do be Second Liesit.-,, Gent Cadet R. A.T. Sttiddert to be Second,Lient.; fiarit,■ Cadet IL: Bi- StiyagetaterSiobsedlLiewbvGdntoClukit 0,14.1110mtiortrabenad 3Aesitti•Ginalc Cadet IM,A..Brottotrtobti-Setionff. linalt.4ent-Casielti5i-NithaatiltcnbaSedentb Lleht.;'tGent:A,Aijiltnan to ben3miondlLiciracilitU .itO hoz 0,,!•./ ,i1S: tir.f.-- - WAit-'OtAce;ISati..6.-.:.:2d.t.i.gt. ot gra'.'0: Giiii7di--4*Mk:teiq eg.13ridtiiiefiittitnW Adjt. Vice' Clements, who resigns Abe".10ititnsf .'.•'7‘11- ;- tit Poor-trotz Sum., of the Second Class A. P. Locknotat t6 be Abe- ,"yroltrateitini the Staff. 9th Foot-W. C. 1:111dt;.061t. to he'Eljai ;WV ei.We,Bill,'itho retires. 10th Foot-Capt. 0: Ilanglton,' from tlte,t5ttl,Fborei etlwit;',IpCli-113 cellor, alio exchanges. 18th Poot-,.-Lidut,.-C. F:: Vieltehl tad' • Febl,-td e' Paymaster, vice Icennedy, appoint4ratrbaster-of tt.Re.nOttitt Ditt81e,tTA7th' -Lieut. W. II, Twendow, iron, thetlith Foot, te'bi ItiOntl'01. 10'LligMi ff_,...: n'he_K,' chain:es. 30th Foot- EMign L !U* hertpn to be Lresitibyntl haselrit ElePbtten' who retires; J. S. C. Plarcourt, Geii , I.11r be Ensign, by tiet,,rite. act/kir' ' 34th Foot-Lieut. J. W. B. 01.o.ilifiii; Weira"-tliglitle I, . 1."Cf6e7T4r , lc tintelulSed low, Avila.' eichanges: 40th' rtiitkit'21f,.' 13 .44601" vice Ittintre, who retires; Ict,signIr.lif!..13.'‘G- ' .di tti be OWL bthft' Atherlev; Jacob Francis Bryant, Gent:t tO'be it " °Ioyitittlkehif.*,orl 41st foot:Ltient. William `11bffnikeias',W%em4. 1. / 64,41- Pro tot 52,1 Foot -En..;ign -A: Ilenley":6:re'Tiebt'Plirp ;41xii't0,ti W. Atkinson, Cent, to he Ensign, liY litittliaiel'fi ofit-L-Hasign:1Y,,. It. Byrne to ha Lieut. without purchase. A. Oth t4C.Mit'

A. Chanectlor, Trod' the 10th Foot, to Ittirit.:41 tid.

:.?cf West India Regt..-M ajar S. J. II' 'TO • bgl. It. . witirdint 'pia Eil. Mends, who'retires upon full-pav ,• Cape:Y:11/11We' 0 .1:10,143/6.0-Nrith MI vice Bill; Lieut. S. liarMir to be Capt. Witivitttpurciikedesieg 1,dg Laughlin to be Lieut. It ithont purchase, vice Ilurpur;Ic111e6t21 ;hewn+ sign, withOot purchase, vice Lau fihlitiii : ' • "'. ' • -.,,.'"' .5-'''' ".”`..op, General4 Rhspitals, vice Shanks, dec- 43' .'J: Miteliell; MO.' oiii' • B psirktal Staff-Staff-SUrg. of e irige"C:Wkiiie Ilk teetstattV• to beStaffStirg. Of the first clati_s..,;vic.qyf 1 14,'prcknotetir'Aqiii,itW ,trifflurti,P.1 Laing to he Staff-Sure.-AffAtig Seco El`C str,_ V,iiellookStsailit 06ilited tii the 7' Feet; r.'s,r.-smitri;'Getit! Rs' 1.4' Ag rg; '145'ttifi'FOre.eiV B ipromot on the Staff; T. at. Meckley. Cent' 6' ' '.. '..' .'. -„2f.t1.r:.1' . F :1Ceri'ZI4°d.pro7otedl.il13rc9Iit14.AsSPt-71°ll;tt12Li7icei6fnaflcocodecead, . !' , f:. ' : lvet.-Capt 0 7.-Ticket,lfthei.rd ,tT ium.,tob:ir213ri::

eT Arms*, , , ,

1‘141nOrtdum•=21.Aafe clf We:144A tiftn't. J.'.'ffsitke, of the `2'...ld FoOt, . to bear'da 22d F • ii/f859,1ai uitil&Whfaitti`ISSI:' ' :`r.l. OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, Jan. S.-Royal rent. of ArittierySeedzid 'Lieut. if. ieF.

F. L. t -' 51 ., eased„,_ : Taylor of Royal Entncera,-See. C5 t7 01”Fals, we to be Cp,pt, Tice Denispn, SeCeiriddiVirsts'leletitfl.' 11,,•1ITtrifit'' irf ii 'Ste.' C cle'ribih_hailylier:Tlifelitrt II. G. savage to *fliavg.F.,itmoo . . .

' ' IT iT'Ir9P

' Li?,ait;e:eriP.Wrcil: .,cf-' Ii,•- ° Tillara, yire,C- tot- up-rtut441,1•S' °F..' - t.me---,;ktet U. 1 ic.e j01106, PrOalli..* 11. Jiro, 0- PR.Oir.in . ..:' 11A Pges,Zs.V.Pi . iflifg ,,, .1, : larPT., 1/,. 1411441.re.is 4,2 tf,T#RatUP- 3,0ron..Pt:P9,11,:,4!,.?,, 19.4g.t1t99,,wR...F. girff ,As4m,i .