" Nor rough, nor barren, are the winding ways
Of hoar antiquity, but strewn with flowers."
Antiquaries should bless Thomas WHARTON for these beautiful lines, at once an apology and justification of their favourite pursuit. They form the motto of a pretty publication of an antiquarian character, en- titled Picturesque Memoria& of Salisbury, to be published in numbers. It consists of a series of etchings on copper, and engravings on wood, illustrative of the most interesting buildings and curious remains of an- tiquity in Salisbury and its neighbourhood—a fruitful field for explora- tion—accompanied with descriptions. The plates and cuts are neatly executed ; and both they and the text remind us of that venerable periodical the Gentleman's Magazine, which still holds out and greets us monthly, among its junior contemporaries, like the last of a bygone generation, in snuff-coloured coat and speckled hose, with pigtail and staff, among the dandies of St. James's Street, who wear their super- fluous hair on their chins instead of throwing it behind them.