7 FEBRUARY 1936, Page 2

M. Sarraut's Debut There seems now only one reason why

M. Sarraut's Ministry should not last comfortably until the elections. On his first contact with the Chamber he received the support, unfamiliar lately to a French Prime Minister, of the entire Left; and even the Communists abstained from voting against him. M. Blum explained the Left's unanimity : the Ministry had the great value of not being M. Laval's. M. Sarraut, following M. Herriot, promised a sincere and not half-hearted co-operation with the League - of Nations and with Great Britain and pledged himself to apply the anti-Fascist laws strictly. Indeed, M. Sarraut's• great recommendation to the Left is the hope that he. will do what M. Laval only said he would do ; but also his Ministry has members friendly to the Front Pope- laire. Thus, he may expect a clear run to the elections, and the Left has the prospect of engaging in them from an advantageous position. But over him hangs the shadow of finance. In the next three-or four months-the Treasury will need some five or -six thousand million francs, and, despite rumours of a British loan, it is not clear where the money is to come from. The shadow is the darker because M.- Laval, the Right, and their- financial allies, may see their advantage in a crisis.

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