The books of the week consist either of works of some mark, for deliberate inspection, or of reprints and aerials. History of the lVhig Ministry of 1830, to the Passing of the Reform Bill. By John Arthur Roebuck, M.P. In two volumes.
History of Trial by Jury. By William Forsyth, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Author of " Hortensius."
Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. In three volumes. The Life of Taou-ktvang, late Emperor of China: with Memoirs of the Court of Peking; including a Sketch of the principal Events in the History of the Chinese Empire during the last Fifty Years. By the late Reverend Charles Gutzlidf, Author of the " History of China," &c.
Roughing it in the Bush ; or Life in Canada. By Susanna Moodie.. In two volumes.
The Riches that Bring no Sorrow. By the Reverend Erskine Neale, MA., Author of " The Closing Scene," &c.
[This book is upon the plan of one or two other publications by the same author : anecdotical sketches of the lives of remarkable men are made the means of pointing a moral, the amusement of the reader being as much regarded as the lesson which comes in "to conclude." The subjects of this volume are licentious, worldly, or irreligious men, but all very rich, relieved by a few philanthropists. Among the former class, are the late
Marquis of Hertford; the Duke of Queensberry—" old Q." ' • the first Earl Nelson—the avaricious, meanspirited, self-seeking brother of the hero ; the eccentric Wortley Montagu, son of Lady Mary; Cavendish the chemist ; and some others less known but as remarkable in their way. The notices are done in Mr. Neale's usual manner, with a telling but very forced effect, as if the platform were transmogrified into an Anglican pulpit. The moral is not very clearly impressed. It does not appear that the riches of the bad men did bring any sorrow in this world. They all of them held on to the last in the line they had chosen, dying without apparent misgiving or re. morse ; so that theirs were really riches that bring no sorrow," so far as Mr. Neale shows. The introduction of Cavendish among such a set of repro- bates is a piece of that uncharitableness which distinguishes the professors of charity above all men. A peculiar temperament, absorbing and very im- portant studies, and a youth passed in narrow circumstances owing to the singularities of a father as peculiar as himself, rendered Cavendish indifferent to active duties or social enjoyments ; but the shy recluse was quite die. regardful of money, spent little on himself, and in a certain sense was ignorant of its value or power.]
Sketches of English Literature, from the Fourteenth to the present Century. By Clara Lucas Balfour, Author of "Moral Heroism," &c. [A compendious survey of English literature from Chaucer to the present day. The survey is divided into periods, the principal authors of which are noticed critically, and illustrative extracts given from their works. The book possesses unity and distinctness; and it will answer the purpose for which it was written, that of serving as an introduction to larger and more elabo- rate works.]
The Andromache of Euripides ; with Suggestions and Questions at the foot of each page, with copious Grammatical and Critical Notes, &c. By the Reverend J. Edwards, M.A., and the Reverend C. Ilawkins, B.C.L.
[A well-printed text, copious foot-notes in the form of questions for exami- nation, nd elaborate critical and grammatical annotations in an appendix, which frequently contain answers to the questions on the text, form the in- structional features of this book. To these is added an introduction on the Greek tragedy and theatre, and the principal tragic metres.] The Parliamentary Companion, for 1852. Twentieth year. By Charles Dod, Esq., Author of the "Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage," &a. [This pocket volume is timely both for the existing Parliament and the_pro- bable dissolution, with its registered electors, biographical notices of Mem- bers, and similar information. The changes in the year are not inconsider- able : there are twenty-nine new Members in the Commons, promotions have occurred in the Lords, and thirteen alterations have taken place among the Ministers and Officers of State.] The Practice of Insolvency under the Protection Acts; with the Sta- tutes, Rules, Orders, List of Fees, the Forms as adapted to the change of Jurisdiction, and Cases decided up to the Present Time, &c. By David Cato Macrae, Esq. Barrister-at-law. [The completion of a popular legal treatise on an important practical subject.] Among the reprints or serials, the most considerable is Mr. Charles Knight's "National Edition" of Shakepere completing the English historical playa with Henry the Eighth. Hue's Travels, in Messrs. Longman's " Traveller's Library," is a condensed translation of a Romish missionary's explorations in Tartary, Thibet, and China. a volume of which appeared some time since in the "National Illustrated Library."
The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems William Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. The National Edition. Histories. Vo- lume II.
Saw's Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China. A Condensed Transla- tion. By Mrs. Percy Sinnett. In two parts. (The Traveller's ) Night rars ayt Sea ; or Naval Life during the War. By the Old Sailor. (Bentley's Shilling Series.) Martin Tosstrond ; or Adventures of a Frenchman in London. By James Morier. ,4 (Bentley's Shilling Series.)
Life and Works o Robert Burns. Edited by Robert Chambers. In four volumes. olume Chambers's Pocket Miscellany. Volume II.
Self-Government for New Zealand : Extract from Mr. Godley's Speech at the Public Meeting. at Lyttelton, on Thursday, August 14, 1831, as reported, together with Mr. Fitzgerald's, &c., in the "L yttelton Times,' of August 16. With Remarks bye. B. Adderley, M.P. And an Epitome of New Zealand Politics, with Dates and References. Reasons for Refusing to Sign the Report of the Statutes Revision Syn- dicate. By A. H. Wratuilaw, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Christ's College, one of the Syndics. Law Reform, &c. By Eliza. Customs' Administrators and Customs' Reformers. By James O'Dowd, Esq., Barrister-at-law. Part IL