7 DECEMBER 2002, Page 34

A mission to digitalise

From Mr Andy Duncan Sir: Tim Luckhurst's piece ('Beebosaurus Rex', 30 November) got off to a bad start when he couldn't even get the name of the new digital terrestrial television platform right. For the record, it's 'Freeview' not 'Freeserve', which is an Internet service provider.

Reading on, his grasp of the facts didn't improve. The current BBC campaign, headed by Steven Berkoff and others, does not promote Freeview. It actually promotes BBC radio, television and interactive services on satellite, cable and terrestrial. The accompanying helpline offers information about all those digital platforms, not just Freeview.

It is also wrong to say that we are investing 'unprecedented time and money' on the cross-promotion of programmes and channels. The figures are roughly what they were five years ago, with the difference that we now run fewer campaigns, which have far greater impact — so thanks for the compliment.

Moreover, it is quite right to let licencefee payers know about the fantastic value for money that the BBC represents on television, radio and the Internet, and we are committed — as urged by the government in the last licence-fee settlement — to encouraging the take-up of digital services.

As for `promoting the lowest, most derivative examples of mass entertainment'. I'm sorry Mr Luckhurst appears to have missed recent campaigns for services such as the BBC Asian Network, BBC Four, Great Britons and The Life of Mammals, a landmark series the BBC is uniquely placed to offer.

Andy Duncan

BBC director of marketing and communications, Broadcasting House, London WI

From Mr John Hambley

Sir: Tim Luckhurst's account of television channels threatened by the BBC's mission to expand included a premature obituary for Artsworld. Although like all small independent channels we are endangered by the government's anti-competitive broadcasting policies, we are still showing 70 hours a week of high-quality arts and music programmes on Sky channel 199.

John Hambley

Artsworld Channels Ltd, London SW8