7 DECEMBER 1901, Page 57


Monsieur Vincent. By James Adderley. (E. Arnold. 3s. 6d ) —Mr. Adderley's sketch of St. Vincent de Paul is intended for "the man in the street" first and foremost, both by its treatment and in its style. It is meant to show him what a practical man a saint can be, even if the saint is a Frenchman, a Roman, and of peasant origin ; and to uphold the thesis, which is stated in the well - known fashion of the author, with no lack of plainness or modern instances. Mr. Adderley ascribes, directly or indirectly, to St. Francis, or Monsieur Vincent, most of modern Church organisations in the English and Roman Communions, and some State works of popular usefulness. The frontispiece to the book bears the initials of a woman artist who is now in one of the English sisterhoods, and she has happily caught the benevolent expression of the great worker. The life of St. Vincent, as many of our readers will recollect, is an inspiring one, including a capture by pirates and work among the galley-slaves, as well as the development of a practical life of usefulness and a spiritual attainment of high sanctity. Mr. Adderley has made up an interesting volume.