Two more notes which have passed between Lord Howard de
Wal- den and Baron R. de Sabrosit have been published in the official Ga- zette at Lisbon ; and the latter of these appeared in print on the very next day after it s as written. Lord Howard, in his note, states that the British Government has not confirmed the convention entered into in regard to the slave-trade by Lieutenant Tucker, R.N., the officer in eminnand on the coast of Africa, and the Governor-General of Angola, on the 29th of May last ; that convention having been rendered unne- cessary by time orders which her Majesty's Government has given for the capture of all vessels found trading in slaves under the Portuguese thug. Baron R. de Sabrosa, in his reply, renews the protest made by the Portuguese Minister in London against the right claimed by England to capture Portuguese vessels by virtue of an Act of the British Parliament.