eite reeently aseemblee to set on foot an institution e
tile middle classes, actually elle wed the questions to ‘• Presbyterians and other I tissenters" should be ; 'ammittee of MaMlat'liii'dt at permit the et de:pen eel with in eon:ea:Ideating religions instruction
t: Di-sewers. The former of th.ae propositions was, it eeecith : that it was ever enierteined is matter of pleasing tweeer, the proposition tint the Committee should consist
eeti.cly of ii elm but that they el end(' be permitted to dispeuse
wi;ii di,. •nlsa; in the souse of Diesemers, was carried by a large
nee, ity reSOhlti.011 of the ene-gy was immediately communi-
cm ce to a me., of the laity, including Dissenters, which awaited their
Mr. Main:in.: James, Rector of Pembridge. T.emninster, sent a guinea subscription towards the fund for liberating John Thorogood from prison. The money was entered in a wrong name ; and in writing to the 3.reetiee teineteicie to correct the mistake, Mr. James says— iii rteptest eta by the publication of this, to give me an opportunity of declar- log my syneet: by with the man, and with the cause for which he suffers; and, at the same time, of owning the obligation felt by me to resign the preferment wilieh I hold in the Church of England, and to gen her pale, upon the same prilenple tippet:able alike to tithes and church-rates, unless symptoms of a moro equitalde and Christian spirit shall develop themselves in her with a rapidity and decision beyond what 1 confess there seems at present any reason to anticipate."
Mr. Harworel. snn of Dr. Harwood of Lichfield, has been appointed Recorder of Shrewsbury.
Mr. Charles Russell, M.P. for Reading, has been appointed Chair- man of the Great Western Railway Company; in the room of the late Mr. Sims.