Or Court.
Tire Queen and the Royal Family continue at Osborne, alternating the pleasures of land and sea excursions. Her Majesty has had many dis- tinguished visitors during the week. The Princess Hohenlohe, with the Prince Charles and the Princess Adelaide, arrived at Osborne, with the Duchess of Kent, on Saturday. The Royal party, thus augmented, cruised round the steam-squadron lying at Spitbead, on Monday evening. Next day, the same party drove out towards Newport; and in the course of the day the Duke of Parma arrived at Osborne, on a visit to the Queen. The Duchess of Gloucester and the Princess Mary of Cambridge drove over on Wednesday, to call on the Queen ; and in the afternoon the Royal party visited the Duchess of Cambridge at Ryde.
The Duke of Parma, and Prince Charles of Hohenlohe, left Osborne on the same day, for London. Prince Peter of Oldenburg arrived on a visit to the Queen on Thursday. Lord Malmesbury had an audience of the Queen; also Sir Ralph Aber- - cromby, who was presented on his departure for the Hague.